Nandrolone with very low dose Test Cycle Opinions...

Thanks for the input :) I meant prone as in I am predisposed to mpb (receeding hairline) and have very mild gyno (puffy nipples) noticeable only at times so I just assume I would be at higher risk on cycle...

I appreciate the test only first cycle advice but just looking at this alternative as the sides associated with test at higher dose I really don't want... I would be happier with less gains if they were maintainable and I kept my hair...

Have you ran this cycle? If so how did it go? Sides? Gains? Thanks again
1# accept if your losing your hair its gonna go, shave it IMO

2# and AI and Test will fix estrogen issues you may have. nandralone is much more complicated. research "deca dick" and "deca gyno" "prog gyno" etc. its still mainly estro thats issue, but still... if you cycle do test only + and AI + pct
1# accept if your losing your hair its gonna go, shave it IMO

2# and AI and Test will fix estrogen issues you may have. nandralone is much more complicated. research "deca dick" and "deca gyno" "prog gyno" etc. its still mainly estro thats issue, but still... if you cycle do test only + and AI + pct

Easier said than on the hair mate, shaved head ain't the best look on an averaged sized white 24 year old where I come from lol

Yeah I have read about deca dick and progesterone gyno and still researching more about it, just wondering if people had controlled it successfully...
Easier said than on the hair mate, shaved head ain't the best look on an averaged sized white 24 year old where I come from lol

Yeah I have read about deca dick and progesterone gyno and still researching more about it, just wondering if people had controlled it successfully...

That's something you kind of don't have a choice with man. If you want to use AAS, and you have the MPB gene, your fucked. Your already definitely going to lose it, it's just a matter of time. AAS will speed up that process, no doubt about it. You can use a bunch of drugs (fina, dutast, minox, etc.) to attempt to slow it down but there is no guarantee... And they all carry more side effects, especially the DHT-inhibitors. Erectile dysfunction being the worst common one.

Something to consider before you jump into it anyway. Also, pretty much any AAS can make you lose hair. For example, even high doses of test do nothing to my hair. I add a tiny bit of tren, and boom start shedding. You might shed immensely from deca, or test, or tren, or all of them. You just don't know until you try it.. and then it's too late :)
Yeah your right man its going eventually and I will shave it off unless there is major development in hair transplants or a cure lol, but I'm just hoping to hold on to it for a while yet! Just thoughy the deca route I might of had a chance to avoid speeding it up, I think its beyond doubt that I'll shed on test...
Easier said than on the hair mate, shaved head ain't the best look on an averaged sized white 24 year old where I come from lol

Yeah I have read about deca dick and progesterone gyno and still researching more about it, just wondering if people had controlled it successfully...

trust me i get the look like im a skin head or something... cuzz im shaved and got tats and like pho-leather or real leather and alot of black... but then im pumping bod mon music and get even more looks... fuck them or what others think.
Yeah I'm the other side of the atlantic tho :) lol. In saying that we have all the same treatments here but none of them are great yet... Guess its an option if I did cycle tho, still prevention would be even better!
trust me i get the look like im a skin head or something... cuzz im shaved and got tats and like pho-leather or real leather and alot of black... but then im pumping bod mon music and get even more looks... fuck them or what others think.

Lol I'm not to worried about others to be honest more the fact I like my hair, altho I suppose image does come into it!
If bald dudes couldn't get women they would have long since been phased out of the gene pool. Women love confidence. Remember there are some seriously hot women out there who have bald dads, brothers, etc.

Rock what u got with confidence. Don't be so worried about hair. That applies no matter which side of the pond your on.
Yeah your right man its going eventually and I will shave it off unless there is major development in hair transplants or a cure lol, but I'm just hoping to hold on to it for a while yet! Just thoughy the deca route I might of had a chance to avoid speeding it up, I think its beyond doubt that I'll shed on test...

Try using Minoxidil both on and off cycle. You can greatly reduce the rate of shedding... might be able to buy yourself some time between 2-10 extra years of hair lol.

How do you even know you have MPB?
Try using Minoxidil both on and off cycle. You can greatly reduce the rate of shedding... might be able to buy yourself some time between 2-10 extra years of hair lol.

How do you even know you have MPB?

Yeah I've been thinkin about trying that stuff lately...
Well my hair has receeded quiet a bit since I was 18 and my older brother was the same and his is more developed than mine now...
Look on the bright side.. A few years down the road when your bald anyways, you can run whatever cycles you want without worrying about it, heck you can even through some DHTs in there like mast and primo
Try using Minoxidil both on and off cycle. You can greatly reduce the rate of shedding... might be able to buy yourself some time between 2-10 extra years of hair lol.

How do you even know you have MPB?

I bought some minoxidil , read directions and it said to apply to the crown of the head, not the front, because it was meant to treat a receding hairline. I was like wtf.
Prince, are u saying it helps u with receding hairline anyhow
I bought some minoxidil , read directions and it said to apply to the crown of the head, not the front, because it was meant to treat a receding hairline. I was like wtf.
Prince, are u saying it helps u with receding hairline anyhow

Yes. Minox will stimulate hair follicles wherever you apply it - I've used to to fill in patches on my beard before. When I use it to halt shedding I put it all over my scalp and rub it in.

Just don't leave any on your hands/arms :)
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^^ good to know. Glad I didn't toss it, we'll give it a try when I get my primo cycle going

No worries. If you find your skin drying out and dandruff or itchiness appearing, it's due to the alcohol solution it comes in. You can squirt the 1ml onto a plate or bowl or something and leave it out in the open air for 20-30mins to evaporate the alcohol. Won't affect the compound at all.

Note, most people don't get this with the scalp. I do a bit, but I have sensitive skin. When I was applying it to my face this was an absolute must lol.

I am intriqued by your good manners and lack of cursing. Where do you hail from ? I won t ask your name obviously ( but I m a bit of a nameologist lol ) I am an American citizen by birth (with German genes , yeah it s all my f k n fault righto --got it-- )and baggy jeans and Italian Shoes I got in Amsterdam but..your lack of cursing, use of slang and or refusal to get riled...

R u a bloody Royal for fuck s sake ? As that would be the shit it would right there...

Or an edu ma cated continental----it s frikken killing me.
Op, I understand your concern BUT I think your a little too paranoid. If you know what your doing you can run a 500+ mg test only cycle and have no sides. And I'm sure your hairline will be fine, it's not like your warning to blast 1000mg of a dht steroid for 20 weeks.

IMO just do a test only cycle your first cycle and just see how it goes.. But you should provide some info and stats so guys here can better help u out.

As for a low dose test higher dose deca cycle,, plenty of guys run this with no issues.. As for me, I tried this, and my nympho wife who needs it 3 times a day and who wants to go pick up chicks for us to bang on the weekends, was no longer getting what she wanted. So I had to bump the test back up higher. You may not have those type of demands on you though ;) so maybe it would be fine

Ok, I had to say it.. Pics or it never happened
As for a low dose test higher dose deca cycle,, plenty of guys run this with no issues.. As for me, I tried this, and my nympho wife who needs it 3 times a day and who wants to go pick up chicks for us to bang on the weekends, was no longer getting what she wanted. So I had to bump the test back up higher. You may not have those type of demands on you though so maybe it would be fine

^^umm.. I was just stating my personal experience here.. Like I say the demands are high . Others may not have felt the libido loss effect at all