NCallo's TRT Journey (Australia)


Hi guys. I'm about 6 months since starting treatment. Been working with a new helpful doctor now - all usual TRT meds are available.

I've switched to 125mg/wk (1x injection per week). I've noticed nothing in terms of ups/downs during the week on this protocol.

From a blood results point of view, everything looked good, except the high E2. So I tried adding 0.5mg Adex twice per week (total 1.0mg per week). This lasted two weeks, then I stopped taking the Adex.

What i noticed from taking the Adex is I dropped some water weight, looked leaner and ED issues set in.

I've been continuing with test only for the last 6 weeks.

Great things about being on TRT: mood is great, no anxiety or depression, I'm stronger than I've ever been (at a lower body weight), I'm leaner, motivation and enjoyment for life are great.

The pesky negatives are: ED issues are present, libido is still inconsistent, I'm starting to get annoyed with my atrophy.

My plan going forward, and here's where I'm looking for some input:

I want to try some Cialis - for the ED issues. I'm thinking my libido may actually be OK, but the ED issues make it seem like there is a libido problem. Mind you, my libido has definetly been a lot higher while on TRT. I'd love to be able to get that again! Liquid Cia is on order and due to arrive shortly.

I'll redo my baseline blood tests whilst on 125mg only. Then i'll try Adex again at a lower dose - probably 0.25mg twice per week (0.5mg total/wk). Try this for 3 weeks then retest.

Another option would be to alter the test dose, but this is something i'll consider later.

Will also look to add HCG once the E2 is dialled in (to address the atrophy).

I also need to get a sleep study done - something I've yet to get around to doing.

Are you using Cialis for your ED? I am also in Australia (Perth) and on TRT. No ED problems, however i use Cialis for its health benefits. I ordered liquid Cialis from the states and it gets through customs every time.
Are you using Cialis for your ED? I am also in Australia (Perth) and on TRT. No ED problems, however i use Cialis for its health benefits. I ordered liquid Cialis from the states and it gets through customs every time.

Yes, will be trying Cialis for the ED issues. Good to hear about the shipping success!

For those following, I've been on 125mg test E for 6 months now. Here are my body composition changes in that period. Both before and after results were from a DEXA scan (same machine used both times). I'm 6'1. (Multiply kg by 2.2 to get lbs).


Fat: 19.7kg
Fat free mass: 71.8kg
Total body weight: 91.5kg
Body fat: 21.5%

After (6 months):

Fat: 16.7kg
Fat free mass: 78.5kg
Total body weight: 95.2kg
Body fat: 17.5%

Lost 3kg fat
Added 6.7kg fat free mass

I didn't change my diet at all from prior to TRT, diet is good but not great. Lifted weights 2-3x per week. Little cardio. Training intensity was solid, but I had a month off the gym in this period.

My body weight went as high as 98kg, but this was when I was holding a lot of water due to high E2.

My strength is the best it has ever been.
Hey! I'm a new member, and am suffering from low T, my levels are almost the exact same as yours!! I cannot find a Dr who will prescribe me... does anyone think they can help? I live in Melbourne, Australia. I know this is a old thread and I hope I'm not hijacking it, I am just really hoping for some help because GP's, Endo's... no one will treat me. Thank you.