Ned help with this

why would the size of a person determine how much protein they can digest. the internal organs stay the same. There are also good logical arguements that say you should vary your protein intake. if you take in 300 grams straight for 12 weeks it is the same as water, what does your body start to do? shuttle more of it out seeing how there is excess. but if you drop it down for a week or week and a half what does your body do? it starts becoming more efficient at keeping the protein because there is not as much around and that is when you would spike it up again to 300 grams. and continue that program the whole cycle.
I think some people have it backwards the body becomes more efficeint when things are lacking in its enviroment. Look at runners in kenya. they win races because there is lack of oxygen in the air and then when they come over here to run their bodies are so efficient that they kick our asses. but as soon as they spend any amount of time in out atmosphere there bodies sense there is more oxygen present and become less effecient at using it. Hope this makes sense.
Why would there be excess? Im pretty sure we use as much as we can.

A person that is 150lbs vs 250lbs. You dont think their intestines are larger?

I see what you mean by that statement and agree to a point if your talking about strictly muscle gained weight, that could all come into play about genetic potential limitation of size.
your question was answered by your statement. You said "How can we have excess? and then you say "we use as much as we can". that is exactly it the body only has so many enzymes in one sitting and meanwhile the excess gets shuttled away. but if there were less protein for awhile then more enzymes would be produced to make sure everything was sucked up.
Well, if you are saying that the amount of protien that we consumre normally in a day will COMPLETELY fullfill all needs for protien, than ya I see what your saying.

Youll never get 100% absorbtion of anything. I dont know how much I can really absorb either or how much anyone else can. I do know I can digest a good 150 grams in 2 hrs, as thats what Ive done for over a year now. I couldnt say how much is absorbed though. I do belive it is much over 40grams per sitting. My PW shake is 60 protien alone and I can tell you that when I take it down, nothing is coming back out. Most of it is being absorbed. AFter that, my MP meal, I eat protien sources usally along with a potatoe sorce. The digestion of this is not going to be near as fast as a shake. Its gonna take some good time. Just be the slower digestion alone, leaves more time for absorbtion.

By labeling protien absorbtion by "per sittting" is kinda redundant. If you were to talk about "per hour" I could see a little more sence being made. Even then, I would say the number (guessing) is up around the 60s if not higher. There are too many factors to put a real number though anyways.

The more you do this, the more that you require the more effeicent your body will become. The analogy of Kenya runners doesnt hold up. The peope there in Kenya as they train in their low oxygen, they become more and more efficient as they requirements increase. If they come here, they will get more in and do better yes... The point is, I dont think that alll of the sudden we are going to "go to the US" and have this giant abundance all of the sudden for protien. We are more like in "Kenya" right now. AS we get bigger we need more and more, we eat more and more to compensate for it. We have to absorb more or we wouldnt be able to continue "we would drop dead running" so to speak.
bronco944 said:
so your saying a top level bb'er only can absorb 50 mg's at a time? i just dont buy it, know matter what these studies say. also aas, slin and gh increase protein synthesis, so this should be taken into account.
Check this out bro...a good nite sleep is about 8 hours rite? so take those hours out of the day...thats 16 hours left...if you eat every 2 hours which is 9 meals (cuz of the one rite before bed) 9x50=450....450 grams of protien are actually being taken in by some one who can eat 9 times a day every 2 hours and still get a good nite rest...450 grams of protien is enough to make a 250 lbs bber gain muscle...thats over 1.5 grams of protien a day...the use of drugs such as AAS, etc dont necessarily increase protien absorption, but they do ensure that the body gets better use out of the protien it takes in ...
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stonecold54 said:
why would the size of a person determine how much protein they can digest. the internal organs stay the same. There are also good logical arguements that say you should vary your protein intake. if you take in 300 grams straight for 12 weeks it is the same as water, what does your body start to do? shuttle more of it out seeing how there is excess. but if you drop it down for a week or week and a half what does your body do? it starts becoming more efficient at keeping the protein because there is not as much around and that is when you would spike it up again to 300 grams. and continue that program the whole cycle.
I think some people have it backwards the body becomes more efficeint when things are lacking in its enviroment. Look at runners in kenya. they win races because there is lack of oxygen in the air and then when they come over here to run their bodies are so efficient that they kick our asses. but as soon as they spend any amount of time in out atmosphere there bodies sense there is more oxygen present and become less effecient at using it. Hope this makes sense.

this happens to kenyan runners b/c their body steps up RBC production. The body is actually less efficient b/c more RBC are produced to shuttle oxygen.