Ned help with this


New member
Need help with this

This statement was on the thread that Omega had started. It was basically breaking down a different type of diet with alot of fruit. One of the statements on there was....

. With large protein meals, it is a good
insurance to supplement certain limiting amino acids and free L-Lysine (base).

Can some of you that may be a little more advanced in the nutrition and supplementation aspect possibly expand on this with ideas and or reccomendations as to why we would need to do this and how we would go about it.


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You body is amazing! You dont need anything to be able to digest more protien! I can suck doen a shake with 100grams of protien and digest it!

Suck down the protien!!
You body is amazing! You dont need anything to be able to digest more protien! I can suck doen a shake with 100grams of protien and digest it!

Suck down the protien!!

Hey LS, is there any way to tell if you are not digesting all your protein intake?? Are there any signs to look for?? There sure seems to be alot of misinformation circulating out there regarding this subject.
There is a myth that if you fart, your taking to much protien, but for a Top amature in my Gym, states he consumes 100-150 grams a meal. Especially the slow digesting protien! If you are taking WPI, max out at about 75 grams!

I say, just look at the pros! The are on record of saying 75-100grams of protien per serving is the norm!
drink a litle too much protein shake and youll see what happens to the undigested part. a long time ago i figured if 50 grams was good 150 would be awesome and sucked down the nastiest bigest shake ever. all of this is when i was in ait. about a half an hour later back at the barracks i was running to the shitter undoing my pants on the way, by time my ass hit the seat it exploded. the poor bastard next to me said it sounded like i dumped a 5 gallon bucket in the toilet. looked just like it did going down.
There is a myth that if you fart, your taking to much protien, but for a Top amature in my Gym, states he consumes 100-150 grams a meal. Especially the slow digesting protien! If you are taking WPI, max out at about 75 grams!

I say, just look at the pros! The are on record of saying 75-100grams of protien per serving is the norm!

I think it takes a while for yuor body to get too the point where it can efficiently digest that much at each serving. the pros obviously need much more protein to suport there size. protein intake should be gradualy increased over time as more muscle is gained.
Bronco said pretty much my thoughts.

I have found ginger root to eliminate most of the bloat you can get from lots of shakes. You know what Im talking about, how your belly is just all full and you feel kinda funny? Its been noted as acting as a digestive enzyme.

However, digestion and abosption are difffernt.
You body is amazing! You dont need anything to be able to digest more protien! I can suck doen a shake with 100grams of protien and digest it!

Suck down the protien!!
This is rediculous bro...there is no way ur body could absorb 100 grams of whey protien in one sitting...
StoneColdNTO said:
OK, let me re-phrase my original question;

“How can you tell if you are absorbing all the protein you digest?”
You really cant tell...cemm over at wrote an excellent article stating that ppl can generally absorb about 40 grams a sitting...eating every 2 hours you can easily get enough protien in to grow...
i call bullshit on this. for the majority of people its true but for someone who eats a very high protein diet and has an abnormaly large amount of muscle mass, more protein gets absorbed. like i said with time the amount of protein your body can absorb will increase because the amount needed to maintaine size will increase.
but your body only needs about a gram of protien per lb to grow...that means a 300 lbs guy can still grow eating 320 grams of protien a day (which is very possible to eat)...your body MAY change a little, but do you really think its going to up its effeciency from 40 grams a sitting to 100 grams? give me a break...
with so many physiques built on protein levels much higher than 1 gram per pound and meals with up to and over 100 grams i find it as enough evidence for me. BTW i never believed any of the bullshit about only absorbing 30-40 grams at a sitting.
the extra protien is either excreted or used as energy (typo)...some ppl dont take in enough carbs so when they up their protien intake they say WOW i needed 3 grams per lbs of body weight when in reality they only needed more carbs...
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HAAHAHAH USED AS CARBS?? WTF? You got some kinda voodoo majic up your ass that magically transforms the structures. Excess protien that is not used can be burned as fuel for the body, but thats not the same as being used as carbs. Do you think protien is gonna cause a big INSULIN SPIKE NO! Because they cant be used the same as carbs.

You body will adapt. The more protien you keep consuming and the bigger you get, the more your body will absorb. Thats about commone sence. If it didnt you would never have grown to start with. IE you start only being able to absorb 40 grams at a sitting. Say you eat 5x a day and are 200lbs. Now you are 300lbs and still eat 5x a day. Hmm..... Ya I bet its still at 40 grams absorbtion rate....LOL!

BTW you are right Bronco. 30-40g is rediculously low. I slam down about 150grams within 2hrs after post workout and never have a problem. There are ways to increase absorbtion. This is one of the benefits of taking a high GI carb post workout with your protien. Your body will trigger higher insulin output which will start shuttling nutrients into your bodys cell. In tern your absorbtion rate is all increased. Its pretty simple really. The larger you are and the more you eat, the more that is going to be absorbed. The actuall limit from person to person will vary so much that there is no consensual range to go by.
bronco944 said:
drink a litle too much protein shake and youll see what happens to the undigested part. a long time ago i figured if 50 grams was good 150 would be awesome and sucked down the nastiest bigest shake ever. all of this is when i was in ait. about a half an hour later back at the barracks i was running to the shitter undoing my pants on the way, by time my ass hit the seat it exploded. the poor bastard next to me said it sounded like i dumped a 5 gallon bucket in the toilet. looked just like it did going down.

I am glad you were in AIT bronco, the drill sergeants would have had a ball with you if you were still in basic and they knew about the incident.
i believe that after a while and gradually increasing your protein your body will adapt by producing more and more digestive enzymes to break the protein down into its free-form amino acids which allow for absorbtion
Nutri-Wrestler said:
i believe that after a while and gradually increasing your protein your body will adapt by producing more and more digestive enzymes to break the protein down into its free-form amino acids which allow for absorbtion
I would agree with this statement (its quite possible) but I would think more in the range of 10 grams of protein per sitting (give or take a few)
ready2explode said:
I would agree with this statement (its quite possible) but I would think more in the range of 10 grams of protein per sitting (give or take a few)

so your saying a top level bb'er only can absorb 50 mg's at a time? i just dont buy it, know matter what these studies say. also aas, slin and gh increase protein synthesis, so this should be taken into account.