Need advice for first ever cycle.


New member
I am looking to start my first cycle, 500mg of Test E for 15 weeks. I have HCG and Clomid for PCT and I am looking to order Arimidex and Nolvo also.

I am currentlY 29 years old, 6ft2, 97kg with approx 25-26% body fat.

Just had all blood work, ECG, Blood pressure and Dr said everything was perfect for my current activity levels.

My routine will be as follows.

3 x Full Body workout focusing on compound lifts only, 3x per week of 90mins BJJ and 3x per weeks low steady cardio for 45 mins of a morning on an empty stomach.

My diet will be

Breakfast 7:30 am

2 scoops of porridge oats, 2 scoops of optimum whey protein and a banana.

Snack 10:30

Blended veg/fruit drink in nutri bullet

Lunch 1pm

chicken breast and brown rice

Pre workout 4pm

1 scoop of matrix whey which has 14g carbs and then 1 scoop post workout

Tea 8pm

chicken breast and veg and possibly another 2 scoop of Optimum whey.

Drinking 4 liters water minimum, BCAA throughout the day and also fish oil capsules (how many should I take)

My body fat seems to only be on my stomach, my thighs, calves all very thick and tight from 4 years of BJJ. I've also carried body fat in my stomach and chest but have dropped it quite a lot since coming back from hernia surgery.

Ideally I want to cut down as much body fat whilst maintaining and possibly building muscle and getting down to approx 88-99kg.

Any suggestions etc would be great.

Will the e2 be more manageable as I will be running around 1800 cals where my maintenance is 2700. Plus I will be taking Arimidex every other day, doing lots of cardio and lifting heavy. I have seen guys in my gym run this and get excellent results having started with over 20% BF.
Will the e2 be more manageable as I will be running around 1800 cals where my maintenance is 2700. Plus I will be taking Arimidex every other day, doing lots of cardio and lifting heavy. I have seen guys in my gym run this and get excellent results having started with over 20% BF.

The more BF% you have the more aromatase enzymes you have the more conversion there will be which means possibly harder to keep in check. Don't go by bro science from the gym. Do your own educating and decide which is the best course of action

Everyone is different its just a good idea to get down to 15% before cycling with diet and training. Diet and training are key to the whole process.
Thanks, I have been reading through them posts.

Will run the HCG from the start instead of at PCT. Will run Clomid and Tamoxifen for PCT.

If I was to do this what amount of Arimidex would be ideal then as I imagine I would probably need more than 0.25 per day or every other day.

I'm going on holiday on 27th July so really want to start this ok Monday. My dedication to diet and training is on point as used to cutting for BJJ comps etc. my workouts are consistent and intense.
.25 mg EOD is a good start and adjust when you have your mid cycle blood work if needed.

Did you get a copy of your blood work?
No but I can request a copy and will do tomorrow. I don't know if they tested for Estro though.
You want to test for estradiol=E2 that's the one you want to test for. Some guys use the sensitive and some use the regular essay.

You know you can get blood work yourself cheap, anonymous and fast online?

Privatemdlabs or LabsMD
I've decided to do another 4 weeks of solid cardio, diet and see if I can reduce my BF more. I have arranged to have my E2 tested also.

Would me posting pictures help?
You don't recon more is less on your first ever cycle???
I run test-e an dbol together 12 weeks in total an found after I finish for about 3 more weeks I was still getting better then average results That's a huge stack for first run might be worth toning it down an doing a cut then another run.
if you stick to your diet an sleep you will get mammoth results.
Just had my Estrodial results back and they are 34.3 pg/ml which after a Google search is normal for a 29 year old.