need advice for starting 2nd cycle


New member
My 1st cycle I made 8 weeks out of test cypionate 250mg 10 ml, now i've started a 2nd cycle test e a 3 month vial 250 mg and stacking it with a 6 month cycle of nandrolone decanoate 250mg.... I've gained almost 20lbs and i really haven't worked out like I should, so should i go all out since I just started this 2nd cycle?
I'm about 5'7 and weigh about 160lbs and just turned 40 years since i've just started my 2nd cycle how should go about it if 3-6 months are to many cc's of each a week should I use???
advice for starting 2nd cycle

I'm 5'7-5'8, 160lbs and 40yrs old , how many cc's of each a week should use and how many weeks to make out of it....I have 2 vials test e 250mg 10 ml and 2 vials of nandrolone decanote??? Any suggestions
as a starting point, we don't talk cc's per week as gear has different doses and potencies.
We talk mg per day or week.

Also, 3 months is 12-14 weeks which isn't really much. 6 months however is a very long cycle.

Are you on TRT or HRT? As at your age your testosterone levels would already be lower than when you were younger, a long cycle may kill of your natural levels all together.
TRT is testosterone replacement therapy. That you haven't heard of it answers my question.

As for how much you take, that's not up to me, that's for you to answer. My first cycle i did Test E @ 500mg per week, separated into 2x 250mg injections Mon morn and Thurs night. Ran it for 14 weeks

I'd REALLY read that thread hiram posted. You have a fair bit to catch up on. AAS are dangerous chemicals if not understood.
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What's a 6 month vial??? Op, you need to simplify your posts. Nobody knows what your talking about. I hope you didn't run deca by itself. Please read that link...
Post dosages in milligrams and I promise I will help, but I'm confused as fuck right now. Is it a 3 month cycle or half a year? How is the gear dosed? Why do you say DECA for 6 months and test for 3 months, what the hell is that? Help us understand so we can help you.
Let me see if this helps out, I made 8 weeks out test cypionate 250mg 10ml first of all. Before I finished the test c I got 2 vials of test e 250mg 10ml and 2 vials of nandrolone decanoate 250mg 10ml each. Just started the 2nd cycle by doing 250mg of the test e and 250mg of nand/DECA for that week. So how would I get the best results and I've been told and read no DECA by itself . I hope that helps y'all out a little better.
Let me see if this helps out, I made 8 weeks out test cypionate 250mg 10ml first of all. Before I finished the test c I got 2 vials of test e 250mg 10ml and 2 vials of nandrolone decanoate 250mg 10ml each. Just started the 2nd cycle by doing 250mg of the test e and 250mg of nand/DECA for that week. So how would I get the best results and I've been told and read no DECA by itself . I hope that helps y'all out a little better.
Let me see if this helps out, I made 8 weeks out test cypionate 250mg 10ml first of all. Before I finished the test c I got 2 vials of test e 250mg 10ml and 2 vials of nandrolone decanoate 250mg 10ml each. Just started the 2nd cycle by doing 250mg of the test e and 250mg of nand/DECA for that week. So how would I get the best results and I've been told and read no DECA by itself . I hope that helps y'all out a little better.

This is goddamn confusing lol. Let me see if I got this straight:

You WERE taking 250mg test cyp per week for 8 weeks.. and now your on 250mg test e + 250mg nandrolone deca per week??

How much time did you leave between cycles? Any PCT? Are you running hCG? If I have the above correct, why did you choose those doses?

Whatever is going on here, you have a LOT to learn.. be careful man, injecting powerful hormones without any idea what they're doing is a massive recipe for disaster...
You WERE taking 250mg test cyp per week for 8 weeks.. and now your on 250mg test e + 250mg nandrolone deca per week??

How much time did you leave between cycles? Any PCT? Are you running hCG? If I have the above correct, why did you choose those doses?

I hated word problems in math class. :)
Let me see if this helps out, I made 8 weeks out test cypionate 250mg 10ml first of all. Before I finished the test c I got 2 vials of test e 250mg 10ml and 2 vials of nandrolone decanoate 250mg 10ml each. Just started the 2nd cycle by doing 250mg of the test e and 250mg of nand/DECA for that week. So how would I get the best results and I've been told and read no DECA by itself . I hope that helps y'all out a little better.

What is your native language? Maybe it would be easier to post in that language? If it is a common one someone here probably speaks it.
My 1st cycle I made 8 weeks out of test cypionate 250mg 10 ml, now i've started a 2nd cycle test e a 3 month vial 250 mg and stacking it with a 6 month cycle of nandrolone decanoate 250mg.... I've gained almost 20lbs and i really haven't worked out like I should, so should i go all out since I just started this 2nd cycle?
#1 8 weeks of cyp is a waste.
#2 the fact you mention 3mo of test 6mo of deca shows me you dont really understand these compounds well enough to be using them IMO. read the stickies in aas section plz
I know I don't have much of a clue of how this shit works. Yes I did 250mg of test cyp for 6 weeks and 500mg for 2 weeks and without taking any time off i just started the test e and the DECA which so far I've done 250mg of each this week....but I feel like a fool trying to explain it y'all so I'm gonna try and read up on it before I screw up and leave y'all alone, I must not be explaining it to well. But to answer your question not familiar with any PCT or HCG. Just wanted to know how I should take them or even if i should.
OP - Taking steroids shuts down your bodies ability to produce it's own testosterone .. As of right now your hpta is completely shut down.. Your randomly injecting steroids, you don't know what a pct is, and you are going from one cycle right to another. Your body may never recover. This means that your body may never produce a sufficient amount of testosterone naturally for the rest of your life, And you'll live a limp dicked sad miserable unhappy single life. . Did you understand this risk before injecting the first time
I know I don't have much of a clue of how this shit works. Yes I did 250mg of test cyp for 6 weeks and 500mg for 2 weeks and without taking any time off i just started the test e and the DECA which so far I've done 250mg of each this week....but I feel like a fool trying to explain it y'all so I'm gonna try and read up on it before I screw up and leave y'all alone, I must not be explaining it to well. But to answer your question not familiar with any PCT or HCG. Just wanted to know how I should take them or even if i should.

no worries man. Just read ALL the threads that are stuck up top of the aas section. there is alot of info, and then you will know what we are talking about and be asking better questions.
PCT helps you recover after cycle and PCT is not a drug it stands for Post Cycle Therapy which can be a mix or single of: clomid or nolva for the most part.