Need a photoshoot this june, test e cycle?!?!


New member
So basically ive never had a six pack my whole life. But to this day I can say I'm getting close. I'm 186 lb and 14% bodyfat. I always strived for a lean but yet bulky physique. Iv been lifting for about 5 years now and am pretty knowledgable in nutrition, training, hormonal responses etc. Bottom line is I gota photoshoot this summer with my girlfriend. I need to get a somewhat decent set of abs by june for this photoshoot. Ive ran tren last year n with proper trainig and nutrition I went from 21% bf to 16% in 4 months. Now after a long off season I stuck to a somewhat healthy lifestyle n now I'm down to 14% bf. I need to hit 8-10% bf by june. Deciding to run my first test e cycle at 500mg/16 week cycle. Weeks 1-8 im gona clean bulk with good nutrition slight bit of calorie surplus above maintenance, incorporate 20 m hitt cardio twice a week. Then weeks 8-16, I'm gona incorporate tren e at 300 mg/wk on top of my test e that ill be running at 500 mg/ week. And during this phase I'm gona amp up my cardio frequency, drop about 300 cals below maintenance, and drop my carbs and amp my protein intake as well as healthy fats. Ik test e is not a cutting agent but it places ur body in a fat burning environment and promotes fat loss as a added benefit on top of its anabolic gains. Given, ill be taking .5 arimidex eod during the cycle. Also got my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) n clomid for proper post cycle therapy (pct). Is this goal realistic? I need motivation and advice? Input on cycle, nutrition, experience is all accepted! Please help
if your 14% your gonna need at least 12 weeks to get down to 8% the right way... personally i would modify my plan to a carb cycle and treat the whole thing like a contest prep... thats what i do with my clients...

you might want to do a keto primer too
Brother run the test and lift abbs every other day heavy! Also only eat carbs on the days you train. No carbs off days. You need to do high intensity interval training in the morning on empty stomach. You can do it if you don't act like a puss.

Should be puking after cardio bro in the am. Do intervals like I said 30-40 mins in the am the last 4 weeks at least.

Also start Clem 2 days on 2 days off. If you run the test do 40 mg/s t3 for 6-8 weeks.
awww the quest for abs. Abs for guys is like the equivalent of Boob jobs for girls. lol
I agree with 3j on the cardio. Im a bigger fan of liss style cardo then hiit
Lane Norton has a great vid on YouTube on hiit vs low imtensity and why hiit is superior, check it out
Good call guys. I guess I should define my high intensity lol. I'm 260 lbs so getting on the stepper for me is pretty intense.

When I say high intensity I mean like 35 steps a minute for 2 mins 60 steps for 2 mins. Do it for 30-45 mins on empty stomach.

Sorry to not be more clear. I try to keep my heart rate under 145-150 for pulses the. Drop it back down.

Thanks guys.
Thanks a lot guys since the body requires slow progression I'm thinking of doing hitt cardio 3 times a week for 20 minutes in am. ( got my heavy punching bag;) ) which by the way when done safely is great hitt cardio guys. Really poops you out. But then every 4 weeks I add another cardio session in each week. By the 16 week I should be hitting. Good hiit sessions. Btw guys if u do the research hiit is more bang for the buck. It increases metabolism, burns more fat calories vs calories overral, and its short so u can fit it in anytime. Tell me what you guys think thanks
The bigger you get the leaner you get the harder cardio gets. Your body wants to burn muscle when the old ticker gets beating too fast. You never want to burn off that hard earned muscle.
The bigger you get the leaner you get the harder cardio gets. Your body wants to burn muscle when the old ticker gets beating too fast. You never want to burn off that hard earned muscle.

thats my issue with hiit. I think liss is more muscle sparing. Especially for those that do keto or low carbs
again i dont recommend hiits for your goals.. esp in the morning if your planning on doing it on an empty stomach or after a poor breakfast.. be careful you dont want to waste muscle
But that's where the test kicks in n prevents muscle loss due to its anabolic properties. It's gonna keep my muscles in a positive nitrogen, increase protein synthesis, studies shows how much more effective hiit is then regular endurance cardio. Given I'm Gona take all this advice u guys are giving n put it into consideration. I might keep the intensity down a bit, but definitely will be training in intervals for cardio. Thinking i should take a scoop of a preworkout and bcaas before am cardio.
If you can't get down to 8-10% with tren yourdoinitwrong bro. You should be able to eat above maintenance and still lose fat if the tren is legit. I have a friend who is running 750-1250mg tren e/ew for a contest prep along with test. I would increase the tren dosage if you are going to use a long ester.

HIIT cardio is going to be much more effective at burning fat than low intensity long duration. I would lift AT LEAST 4x/wk on cycle if not 5 or 6. Do HIIT cardio 3-4x/week while eating at maintenance or just below...if you feel like you need more of a boost then add an ECA stack or clen @ 5 days on, two days off for 2-3 weeks and then take a two week break and repeat
The tren is legit. I'm only running tren for the last 8 weeks of my cycle on top of my test. Don't you think 750mg is a bit excessive ? Remember tren is 6x more potent then test itself. I've ran tren 400mg /wk last year n dropped from 21% bf to 16% and gained 10lb lean mass. From that experience I think 300mg/wk of tren would be ideal with my 500mg/wk of test. I got strong motivation and all this input from u guys sounds good. So basically this is how ill be setting it up.:

16 week cycle:

500mg/week test e
.5 arimidex eod

500mg/wk test e
300mg/wk tren e
.5 arimidex eod

Weeks 16-20 ill be administering proper post cycle therapy (pct) with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid

My diet is Gona mostly be carb cycling, going to eat maint. Level calories
40p 40c 20f on Monday,Wed,Friday,Saturday (lifting days)
40p 20 c 40f Tues,Thurs, Sun

Gon be lifting 4x week, hiit 3x a week

Let me know what you guys think!
Looks pretty good man. 750mg/week is a lot but its a long ester so you don't get the sides as strong as you would if you were taking ace. Either way you can adjust it to fit your goals as you see how you are looking closer to the shoot. May want to throw in a hardening agent the last 5 weeks (winny, halotestin)