Need advice on blasting and cruising


New member
Hey guys, I am 6'1 or 185cm, 200lbs sub 10% bodyfat. I am a relatively young healthy indivual. Recently got an electrocardiogram test, blood test, radiology scan, doctor took physical tests on me and everything seemed to be perfect.
I have been blast and cruising since the age of 18 years old. I have been on Trenbolone Acetate for a year straight at 700mg a week, 100mg a day. I am a big advocate of this compound.
Recently, i decided to add in Equipoise Boldenone to it at a dosage of 1400mg a week, 200mg a day, in combination of my Trenbolone as they both work synergistically. My Testosterone ester is of Propionate as it is more convenient and I find it the suitable compound to my blasts. Masteron Propionate comes in when I am in a very lean state, to drop the water.
On the other hand, I havr bumped my Trenbolone dosage to 1400mg as well, 200mg a day, with a front load ( which was more for a CNS shock ) of 500-600mg a day for 3-5 days. And wanted to use Anadrol with my Masteron as a muscle filler and as well get the drying effects from Masteron, rather than Winstrol.
Of course, dealing with oily skin, acne issues, gynocomastia from high prolactin, night sweats which I had stop getting over a year ago, but came back on this new lab I started and at higher dosages. I came off Accutane as it made my forehead skin shine from dryness, and my acne scar, and lips chap, and joints crack.
I use Raloxiphene as a method to try to cure my gynocomastia at 60mg am and pm. Stopped using the Pramipexole for couple days gyno exploded again, because I thought I'd be able to get my hands on some Cabergoline instead to try and fix my sleep which is always interrupted by Prami.
Aromasin is used every couple days for extra fat loss effects from the Trenbolone, and extra dryness.
I am currently using 15 units of generic Growth Hormone a day which was started under a month ago.

As of now, school has started again, and would like to fix up a permanent blast with a cruise every now and than that would avoid acne issues and oily skin. I would love to get some advice from any of you guys. My goal is to prime my body with GH while using as minimal compounds as possible rather than megadosing. I am aiming to an aesthetically pleasing physique with a thin waist, low body fat as sub 10%, without interruption with my school by being forced to deal with stress from acne issues and oily skin as this is my biggest concern. I am extremely prone to acne, even have massive scarring problems from accutane due to previous cycles.

I am not an advocate of Deca, NPP, Dbol, or other watery compounds but Testosterone at reasonable dosages. Thank you!
That damage you are doing to your body must be tremendous. 700mg of Tren for 12 months!

Can you please post up your moat recent blood work?
I wish i knew how to attach them, i was extremely surprised when i got the results... Like i was expecting a heart size of a mule and totally out of whack results but everything came perfect
I wish i knew how to attach them, i was extremely surprised when i got the results... Like i was expecting a heart size of a mule and totally out of whack results but everything came perfect

Type in your blood work results or post a picture of them
Calling bullshit.

You're not doing 1.4 GRAMS of tren per week. I promise you that you'd be having all sorts of problems, unless that's just Wesson oil in that vial.

6'1" @ 200 after B&C at those doses. Smelling awfully trolly in here.
The thing is i didnt get cholesterol results and estrogen and etc. I got the main things like rbc wbc etc
I want to know how a 19 year old kid has the kind of disposable income to run a mortgage payment's worth of gear and HGH a month. That's some serious allowance or one hell of a part-time job.

Or you're trollollolling usssssss...! :wiggle:
I got results everything was good except for prolactin was sky rocket. However been cruising for 2 weeks now. Another 2 weeks i will be blasting. But again, i will never play with the amounts i use to play with as i will not be competing in the near future but looking to look still like an advanced bodybuild. Therefore, test/tren/eq but mast i will keep out of the equation unless i really need it as an ai. I will be wanting to use minimal in terms of supports as i find them to be unhealthy or adding negatives on top of what tren already is.
I always come back to this forum because I know this is where people are most health conscious. This is where users know how to optimize with the least amount of drugs. This being said, I will need some opinions on my next blast as i want to be organized in advance and not have everything decided at random occasions on the spot right before injecting myself in the bathroom lol... For the heads up, i am extremly prone to acne, shoulders chest back neck skull... Mostly from DHT compounds like tren/mast and from unstable hormone levels from missing some
of my daily ace prop shots. I am strongly considering to switch for longer esters such as test e/tren e/eq because these require less frequent injections, less stressful, more stable in the long run..
As we speak, i am on 10 units generic growth ed and 150 test e tuesday friday. Ralox for existing gynocomastia 60 ed. I was considering to thicken up and add some size with around
500-800 test e per week range. One of these dosages is what i am trying to decide now, as i have gh in, my test dosage can be increased without the too bloofy appearance. For Eq, i was thinking somewhere in between 500-900. As i am a taller guy, eq for me needs to be used in higher dosages, i have went as high as 2.1g per week and the vascularity was mind ripping. For the tren i was thinking anywhere between 400-800. For tren i have never in the past 3 years used enanthate. I have went as high as 3.5g tren ace per week during comp week, but that's about it. My main focus is to keep acne at a bay, as minimal as possible. Tren is notorious for me for oily greasy hair and skin and acne. Eq gives me acne mainly on my neck and skull, these.. are really flipping painfull.
For orals anadrol/epistane/anavar are my favorite. Aromasin my ai of choice and caber my PA of choice in conjuction with my serm ralox. I have been off t3, my natural levels should be restored by now. All that being said, i am on a low carb 50-70g a day and fat 30-50g per day diet. Proteins are around 400+ daily, I don't count macros. I will be changing that once my blast starts with white fish and white rice with minimal fats, i grow well this way while remaining conditioned as a granite.
I am trying to avoid a puffy face look, however, i am looking to really add on that quality lean body mass size on my bones. I want to look a lot thicker, but not just with water within the muscle, but create new fibers and expand them with mainly test and gh. Tren eq are mainly for the synergistic effect they add to one's physique as in seperations, delt pop, polished look, thin skin, sharper jaw line, etc. What would you guys suggest? Thank you
For orals anadrol/epistane/anavar are my favorite. Aromasin my ai of choice and caber my PA of choice in conjuction with my serm ralox. I have been off t3, my natural levels should be restored by now. All that being said, i am on a low carb 50-70g a day and fat 30-50g per day diet. Proteins are around 400+ daily, I don't count macros. I will be changing that once my blast starts with white fish and white rice with minimal fats, i grow well this way while remaining conditioned as a granite.

What do you do for a living? You keep listing off these doses that ANYONE who has run them knows that there would be some serious sides. 3.5g of tren? Really...?

Gaini, please answer some of the questions others have posed to you. I'd love to know how you have access to all this and the cash at 19 y/o???
I am not 19. What assumptions are these? Does it really matter what i do for a living on a steroid board? I don't understand the purpose of these questions, and yes i am very well aware of side effects on 3.5g and experienced everyone of them.
I am well deep into a relationship now and i feel like it's not worth the side effects anymore, i want to take it easy on dosages for now, establish myself. Even than, i see no purpose for these dosages I use to run, not looking to become high level pro competitor. But just seeking for some advice or opinions on what you guys would suggest as a blast. I rarely cruise, which is why i want to keep things mild in terms of tren/orals. Thank you
I applied into Pharmacy, i earned a 25,000$ scholarship at 17, and 60,000$ scholarship at 20, now i am 21, i run a company with my father, i just help him manage it and get my share. I earn on average 5grand a month. I drive a car worth 131grand and I live in a condo i own with my girl. I can well afford anything i want, just yesterday i bought her a jacket worth 3grand. I am stable financially for now, if this is what you wanted to know... I don't deal steroids, nor drugs nor run anything illegal. :)