need advice on hgh for 24 year old


New member
Hi! I am a 24 y/o male who has been training fairly consistent for over 2 years (before that i was on and off). A year ago I ran a cycle of testosterone. Even though I did my research, gains were honestly terrible and i have realized that just tweaking diet and my routine I made much more progress.

Now to the point. My boyfriend bought me for christmas hgh (humatrope) which was a great expensive and thoughtful gift. However, after doing some reading i realized it wasn't probably the best idea because at my age my body still produces enough hgh and using this will be a waste of money. The idea was to use this stacked with other necessary roids (which i do not have). So i thought about selling it and buying other steroids but he didn't like the idea much, because he is somewhat convinced i can still make use of it, and he had to go through a lot of trouble getting it. I honestly feel kinda bad having to sell it but i don't know what else to do.

So, can I really make use of hgh or will it be a waste of money and effort? please i need some good arguments as to try to convince him its for the best.

my stats are:
165 lbs
11% bf
You should maximize natural gains before touching gear. That's the best advice. By then you will have mastered training/nutrition, you will know your body and you will have the best results. You said it yourself, you got better results just from tweaking diet and training. Strength and muscle you gain naturally is more permanent than enhanced gains. Use steroids as a limit breaker, not a crutch.
Have you read up on HGH? I have no idea how much you are talking about but it takes daily injections for months for that to do any good. And by good I really mean making old guys like me feel more like young guys like you. It's helps with fat loss which you really don't need, and joint issues (for me anyway).

Looking at your stats I'd say you would be better off eating more and lifting. There is a guy here that goes by 3J that can probably help you out, I don't know if he takes GH in trade though...
Well, I've read to get any muscle gain, bone development, sense of well-being.. you know.. the good stuff. You'd have to take 6iu's per day for 6 months at least. Many do longer than that when looking for size out of the substance.

Just to give you a rough estimate.. a good brand of GH at just 36ius can run nearly $200.00.. that's 6 days worth for 200 bucks. So, unless your boyfriend is incredibly generous and spent literally thousands (about 9k-ish).. no, you probably won't get much use out of it unless you pair it with other substances.

At 165lbs, you just need food for now. No need to consider the juice until you're at least 180-185 and 25yrs old. That's a challenge right? Hit 185 by your 25th birthday, then consider cycling again.

Hit up 3J, he will get you tip top! Hope this helps.
thnx guys. already made up my mind. Im gonna sell this because no point in using it. thanks for the response.