Need advice. On if it's a good idea to raise my test a dosage from 250mg a week t400


New member
Body fat:high teens
Test E
250mg for 12 weeks
My question is.
I just got a hold of enough test e
To run 400mg a week for my last
4 weeks.
Can I boost up the dosage?
It seems you are running a cycle of Test at 250mg per week... That was my first cycle albeit I used Pharma stuff so it was a legit 250mg dose. Can you grow? Yes, hell yes you can, if you can't you have a clear indiciation of poor diet and training which will need to be addressed.

250mg Test WILL give free test levels that are higher than natural, period. Whether it is a substantial increase compared to you baseline levels is all individualistic, but regardless the point remains.

Bumping up to 400mg from 250mg per week will increase your muscle gain and potential fat loss, RBC count etc etc more is always better for that, but more juice = more sides.

It takes 4 weeks for long estered Test to reach steady levels so what your suggesting won't do a whole lot.

I would suggest finishing up/getting started on PCT whilst doing some research on AAS and diet/training if need be :)

For future reference, I rec. 400-600mg Test for a first cycle, no more no less along with an AI like Arimidex or Letro to gauge how you respond to test. 600mg for someone who knows how to train and diet, will yield great results from that. Even as a 2nd or 3rd cycle 600mg Test, even 400mg Test will do the job however you can start adding compounds and changing doses after you get a feel for your first cycle. Test alone is a great compound, if you need a little extra kick Masteron Enanthate at 2-500mg per week would make a good second cycle or if test gives you estrogenic sides. For example, Test is great but I suffer from high e sides from it even with an AI so I plan on doing 500 Test 500mg Masteron for my next blast.

Hope that helped, don't be afraid to ask anything that comes to mind, but don't be afraid to research before asking as well ;)
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I've ran 250 great gains no sides as I raise the dose more sides are seen I believe start low and go up over a few cycles
You're running my TRT dose, but Staunched does have a point in that your free test is above that of a natty. I don't however think that four weeks at a better dose is going to do anything meaningful for you. I'd personally just drag out the cycle a bit longer.
Dido and ibid ur honor

Do the math and run 300-325-350 for 16 weeks I m o. 150 increase x 4 weeks is not gonna do much but a little more gear with a good bit more time will be more condusive..I m h o.
..."Dido and ibid ur honor" what a silly, silly boy :idea:

Save it for another cycle, don't plug it in at the end. There is not enough weeks left. You will be stopping when it's beginning. The 250 mgs a week will give you some advantage looking at the pure side of the picture. The reason we use AAS.....IN that you are increasing the efficiency of building LMM with the help of AAS.

But needless to say.... Eat right and train smart. DO a good PCT and keep your "E" in check which should be easy at 250mgs
I can personally vouch like I said 250mg per week WILL open the secret door to bodybuilding... Sure it's just a taste of wht AAS can assist in doing, but you can grow off it. For what it's worth though, all the HPTA shutdown etc, you are better off going 4-600mg like I metioned but stick with 250mg for now and finish it off ;)

And like Mike said, eat right and train smart... That, is how to get the most out of AAS.
250 mg of test , for a 'first cycle' for a guy that has low test to begin with (not saying you do, just saying at 42 you may) is equal to a guy with normal test levels running a 500mg a week dose of test , imo. going from having a testosterone deficiency to running 250mg a week , is a HUGE improvement and delivers a very anabolic response. So there is no need to bump the dosage up the last few weeks.

i put on 33lbs in 6 months and stayed at 12% bf the first time I got on test (250mg a week) and corrected my low test deficiency. its all you need more then likely . if you were a 27 year old guy with 6 years of lifting experience , I'd say don't waste your time with 250mg a week and run a minimum of 500mg and make the hpta shut down worth it.
250 mg of test , for a 'first cycle' for a guy that has low test to begin with (not saying you do, just saying at 42 you may) is equal to a guy with normal test levels running a 500mg a week dose of test , imo. going from having a testosterone deficiency to running 250mg a week , is a HUGE improvement and delivers a very anabolic response. So there is no need to bump the dosage up the last few weeks.

i put on 33lbs in 6 months and stayed at 12% bf the first time I got on test (250mg a week) and corrected my low test deficiency. its all you need more then likely . if you were a 27 year old guy with 6 years of lifting experience , I'd say don't waste your time with 250mg a week and run a minimum of 500mg and make the hpta shut down worth it.

Yep pretty much. OP, how have your results been so far from 250mg?
Seems that it's a first cycle, I heard many opinions about what dose is proper.
I think it's better to start with 300mg, not 250.
Somebody recommend to start with 500mg, but IMO it's to high for beginner.