need advice plz. knot after injecting tren e???


New member
im running 250 cyp and 300 tren. 150 tren e from impexx labs on sunday , and a mix from bulldog labs which is 250 test e and 150 tren e on thrusday. i injected just the tren into the same spot as i did the mix 3 days before and i got a knot in my glute its almost gone now and its been a week i was thinking i got the knot because i went in the same spot but last night i did the 150 tren again but into my quad where hasn't been stuck in months. now it feels like im getting another knot. i read that was happening to someone else and they heated up the oil and the swelling stopped. do u think i need to heat up the oil if so how or should i jus man up. or is just shitty gear
What gauge needle are you using? Are you sterile with your injects, and massage the area after injecting? I could be that your injecting too fast. Are you rubbing the skin back and forth over the injection site to make sure the route from the oil to the skin surface is blocked by tissues so no leaking occurs after injection?
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i use a new pin every time and alcohol i use a 25 1 1/2 ( i prefer 23 but im out). yes im rubbing it and no leaks after. i push the plunger as fast as i can but it comes out really slow because the gauge is so small. by the way the knot arent that painful jus a little sore
Probably virgin muscle pip. It should subside after a few injections. You want to inject slow.... don't just push as hard as you can on the plunger.
give each spot couple weeks before hitting again. alternate 4-6 spots IMO high mg to ml gear can be a bit painful.


You have to rotate your injection sites or a knot will form as the depot you created will not be able to heal and go back to normal. I mean no disrespect to the other posters, but massaging a site will only make it worse.

Apply pressure to prevent oil loss and to stop bleeding. Rubbing only increases the trauma at the site caused by piercing the tissues and forcing fluid into an otherwise occupied space. This is taught in medical school and in paramedic training - which is where I learned it. (old school guys still massage as that's what was instructed by docs in the 80's and early 90's)

My .02c :)

Please don't beat me up Milton!
that makes sense halfwit. i always go into my intermedius or rectus (which ever is the middle) when i hit the quad can i got into my lateralis also and are they far enough apart to be considered rotating?
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i believe what half said is best..

and inject slowly.. really slowly.. a 25g has a hard time pushing oil out and you put alot of pressure on it, it causes trauma
that makes sense halfwit. i always go into my intermedius when i hit the quad can i got into my lateralis also and are they far enough apart to be considered rotating?

Stick with the outer edge of the vastus lateralis. There are simply too many nerves elsewhere, which is never fun to discover. I'm tall, so if I'm doing ED injects, I see how it's feasible to hit up higher on the lateralis, then closer to the knee, but I prefer to hit delts/ventroglutes/pecs/glutes if needed. :)