need an easier to eat breakfast option...


New member
hey mate, i really have difficulty eating even just a cup of oats with milk when i get up at 5am. even with chocolate protein milk added, it just tastes like shit and my body doesnt want it.. i have to force it down and it takes a long time usually. whereas, i can eat as many pieces of toast with vegemite as i can fit in me :S is there anything else other than oats that i can eat for breakfast that is fairly quick to make aswell? because this is ridiculous. lol. thanks.
its kind of unorthodox as breakfast, but beans are pretty slow digesting carbs as well, plus they have a good amount of protein in them. just out of curiosity, when is your second meal of the day? if its not that far apart from your first meal, the carb thing isn't as big of a deal
cheers mate, i have my first meal about 5am and then i go straight to gym and have my second meal about 8am which is just 1.5 serves of my normal protein mass gainer shake on the way home, about 40 grams of protein and 40 grams of carbs. i then have my 3rd meal only about 1.5 hours later, a cup of brown rice uncooked and a 200g can of tuna in olive oil. would it be crazy to just have something like 4 pieces of toast with vegemite and a mass gainer protein shake for breakfast with about 30g carb 30g protein? would be so much easier lol.
imho, I think you COULD do it. I think the toast is fine, but try to limit your shake consumption. I believe in iifym, but you'll hear different things from different people. 4 pieces of toast vs some oats isn't going to make a big difference in your physique, and if toast helps you do better workouts, definitely go with that. So toast with some eggs perhaps? Just don't like the idea of you having a shake both before and after your workout
do 6 eggs scrambled and a banana.. if u dont wanna do whole eggs do like 9 egg whites. if u dont wanna cook so early. cook them the night before, get up & warm it up.
ok mate, thanks. i used to do the eggs but it just took too long haha. plus i was told 6 eggs would make your cholesterol even higher.
if you don't want to cook them, get the carton of already liquid egg whites from the store. if its pasteurized, you don't have to cook it, can just drink it. actually doesn't taste that bad

also, eating eggs doesn't increase your cholesterol. dietary cholesterol doesn't affect blood levels
Mr Tee,

Take Steel Cut Oats and put it in a tall bowl/cup bigger the better. Put water in it (you will get used to how much) and then set Microwave for 15 minutes at Level 5 and leave it. When its done put EGG whites (Egg Whites International) and Cinnamon Bun Protein and HOLY FREAKING CRAP its like a dessert!! Trust me I have this everyday that I am going to the gym on higher Carb Days
i also do something similar... i add 1-2 cups of oats, one scoop vanilla syntha-6 protein, and add cinnamon to your liking, skim milk, nuke in he microwave. that should take less than 3 minutes to prepare and tastes great. i can finish in 3-5 minutes depending on how hungry i am lol. i also wake up early and am "on the run" aka always wake up late before work. so ill add all the ingredients the night before to a bowl and wait till the morning to add the milk. stir, nuke, and eat.
tip: the less milk you put the harder the consistency. i kinda like it not runny, that way i feel like im eating it and not drinking it. hope that helps, oh and what i noticed in me is that the more im consistent with eating in the morning the more my hunger increases when i awake.
in a blender place:
1 cup oats (uncooked)
2 scoop protein
1 tablespoon of oil ( i use grape oil)
1.5 cups of water or milk

blend the piss out of it........ then drink fast as the mini oat peices do sink to the bottem after a minute......add ice if you think warm drinks suck.
good carbs good protein good fats...... in a few minutes
NO way to cook Steel Cut in 3 minutes. I would highly recommend steel cut oats rather then rolled. Less processed and just makes me feel all Healthy inside!!
guys, OP said he doesn't like oats, and is looking to eat something other than them, lols.

but hey, im getting some great breakfast ideas, continue on...
i know he said he did not like them ....but they are a great carb source for breakfast.... with my method you get your oats with out the taste.....swear you would never know they were in the shake when you blend on liquify for a bit.
The reason it's hard to swallow is because you need to let it sit for 10 before drinking. It'll soften the oats, making you less of a soft cunt. Just drink it, boy!
guys, OP said he doesn't like oats, and is looking to eat something other than them, lols.

but hey, im getting some great breakfast ideas, continue on...

Bro, He didn't say he didn't like Oats. He said that he takes Oats with Milk and Protein and that tastes like shit. My suggestion is like a freakin dessert. For any of you that haven't tried NTBM protein then well you are missing out on one of the finer things in life. Oats cooked MY way are soft and have cinnamon roll taste to them. Don't believe me please (It's hard enough getting NTBM protein as it is, without all you ordering it!!)
Throw raw oats in milk with chocolate whey and ice in a blender it tastes great add in a few pieces of toast to feel like you ate.