Need Cycle Advice for my Next Competition Prep


New member
Hi Everyone,
Let me summarize my deal. I am not from USA so i thought since USA is leading country of BB and ASS, i can have some usefull advise with some recent development and info.
I am turning 43 this year and competing for almost 20 years. Recently i was in India.
Before this i win european and balkan championships.
I am at 80 kg Weight class but wanna compete at 85 next year. My body fat is low 5-6 % and i dont wanna get too bulk since its a pain in the ass to cut down every single time.
Here is my next Cycle , i want personal ideas from you guys. Maybe i am missing something and it needs correction.
My last Cycle was :
Trenbolone Enanthate 500 mg per week
Masteron Enanthate 500 mg per week
Test Prop 500 mg per week
But Test prop pain really made everything hard for me. So this time i want to change my cycle and add Test Ace. Here is my next plan
Test Acetate 65 mg Everyday
Dihydroboldenone Cypio 300 mg per week
Oxandrolone 100 mg per day
Trenbolone Enanthate 400 mg per week
Methenolone Ennanthate 500 mg per week
HGH 6 ui every other day
I know it will be too much injections but i have UG lab as sponsor so they will formulate what i will give to them specially for me. So i think i can take care of this by 7 injections per week, 1 per each day. i am not paying anything to it also. Sweet Right :) ?. I only pay my HGH.What about cycle length ? i think 12 weeks will be fine and i can modify my cycle before competition and add some masteron and Winstrol (winny). So thats all guys. Thank in advance, wish you all a great weekend.
Dang, now thats a cycle. I do not posses enough knowledge to give any advice. Just wanted to stop and give props, and say good luck and keep us posted!
So you maintain 5-6% body fat year round? Impressive! Can you share some competition pics with us?!

wouldnt run the oxandrolone more than 6 weeks at a time. i would drop test 3-4 weeks out before the contest to help keep water off.i would also drop the boldenone 3-4 weeks out a few people keep a tiny amount of water from boldenone.
i would probablly run 14-15 weeks of cycle and cut all but the tren and masteron 3-4 weeks out but im not a precontest stack guru lol.
wouldnt run the oxandrolone more than 6 weeks at a time. i would drop test 3-4 weeks out before the contest to help keep water off.i would also drop the boldenone 3-4 weeks out a few people keep a tiny amount of water from boldenone.
i would probablly run 14-15 weeks of cycle and cut all but the tren and masteron 3-4 weeks out but im not a precontest stack guru lol.
Yes i forget about Oxandrolone C17 , i should limit it. Boldenone is not regular Boldenone its 1-Test Cypio (Dihydroboldenone), i think its good for cutting , you think i should still cut it ?
Yes i forget about Oxandrolone C17 , i should limit it. Boldenone is not regular Boldenone its 1-Test Cypio (Dihydroboldenone), i think its good for cutting , you think i should still cut it ?

no experience with the 1-test cypio but imo precontest isnt the time to experiment.i would cut out anything that i didnt know for sure wouldnt add water 3-4 weeks precontest , you could always add back in the ox again , maybe run it the 1st 4 weeks and then again the last 4 of a 14-15 week cycle.
no experience with the 1-test cypio but imo precontest isnt the time to experiment.i would cut out anything that i didnt know for sure wouldnt add water 3-4 weeks precontest , you could always add back in the ox again , maybe run it the 1st 4 weeks and then again the last 4 of a 14-15 week cycle.
I have checked Anabolics 2010 right now about Dihydroboldenone , William praise it too much but he say it can hold a little water. So its a good i dea to cut it and cycle only with Masteron Prop , Winstrol and i can add Oxandrolone back after 4-5 weeks break. Thank you , i will keep your advise.
I have checked Anabolics 2010 right now about Dihydroboldenone , William praise it too much but he say it can hold a little water. So its a good i dea to cut it and cycle only with Masteron Prop , Winstrol and i can add Oxandrolone back after 4-5 weeks break. Thank you , i will keep your advise.

the winnie shouldnt be run with the ox , both are 17a steroids and like me your no spring chicken anymore so health needs to be a concern in your decision making.
Thank you guys too much, you gave me positive motivation. I will sure keep on hanging out in here to share and learn more.
Dahurt, i liked your legs , if you will rip them , i am sure they will look really good
I am from Asia but dont wanna tell about my nationality since i am competing. We dont have too many famous BB in here like USA. If i will write my country it will be easy to find my name. :)
But i can tell you something , my country will be heard much more in BB stage in the next dacade. Me and my sponsors started a program which accept young talented BB's and prepare them from start of their carrier. I think many potentially good BB are lost because of impossibilites in their lives. I mean things like , Need to work , Need to marry , Need to have kids , Need money . Of course when you become a pro BB you can manage your life without anything but for amateurs its a total different story. Let me give you and Example , in my country 5 lb Whey Protein powder from a good brand is 140$, 2 lbs of good lean red meat is 20$. Consider yourself as a student and imagine how much money you need for becoming pro. Anyway , sorry to bother you with all these , i think i just needed to take it out my chest. :)I will send my pictures and progress after i start my cycle.