Need Estrogen Blocker for Breast Cancer - Tamoxifen Alternative


New member
Hi Guys & Gals,

First post, so if in the wrong area please move.

Have a friend with breast cancer and she cannot handle tamoxifen. We are looking for all estrogen blockers that can be substituted for tamoxifen.

Steroidology seems to have the most knowledgable members regarding this topic. We are looking for estrogen blockers currently available, taken off market, or banned by the FDA. The Compassionate Act allows us to import anything we desire and we have a worldwide focus.

Searching the forums has produced some examples. Please add any and all. I will take the suggestions, research, and write up a summary for all BC girls. Seems there is a real need for someone to put together this information.

The basic ones are I3C and DIM. Please add your favorite products or chemicals. If there is a compiled list, send me a link.

Thanks All. Appreciate your time.
What is about Tamox that she cannot tolerate?

Raloxifene is the obvious substitute for a SERM. But it may cause the same issues.

If you want to go the Aromatase Inhibitor route, Letrozole, Exemestane and Anastrozole are options.
What is about Tamox that she cannot tolerate?

Severe Pain. Banging her head against the wall. Suicidal thoughts. Its causing some type of psychosis. And others.

I'm reading that 30% of women do nto have the genes necessary to metabolize the drug.

We are having the blood work up. Apparently only 40% of women can take the drug for an extended time. There is a quality of life vs. the cancer issue.

Thanks for your help.
I think the main focus needs to be what the doctor recommends. Cancer is sensitive and really shouldn't be self medicated. The doctor will have multiple solutions to this. If you have talked to him and explained what is going on i think he would give you what you need.