agree. as the years go by and you get bigger you develop more and more androgen receptors and can more effectively use more and more gear.
i think Mike did his first cycle just a couple years ago . the reason he has already gone into higher dosages is because , from what i've seen him post , is that he has never come off of cycle ever since he started. He runs 500mg of test , and thats his 'cruise' . for him and his size, that is not a cruise thats a full blown cycle. so he's been on cycle non stop.
500mg of test might be a cruise dose to maintain size for 270 pound bodybuilder, but not for an average guy.
imo , he has cut himself short by doing this . instead of starting off with moderation and ramping his dosages up slowly over the years, he's just blasted himself 24/7 ever since he started . becoming overly de-sensitized to gear now, he does not respond as well as he could have . and now his gains have come to a hault after just a couple short years (his only option is to change his routine and blast even more gear).
He could of been way ahead of the game if he would have started with moderation and more responsible use to begin with. just my opinion . Being he's never come off cycle , before he blasts again , he'd be better off taking a good 5 months off of all gear all together . then starting up again. get re-sensitized. as it seems from a lot of his posts he is not responding well to the gear anymore anyways. Can't just keep upping the dosages