So like a dumb ass and being completely new to peptides and 1GF-Lr3. I have mixed it wrong. I took 1GF-1 Lr3 lyophilized and reconstituted it with 10ml sterile saline. I have it stored in the fridge and been looking for some feedback if its ok to take it like this. All I get is people reading my thread but limited feedback. I know I am dumbass for mixing it that way. I found only few posts that state it ok to take but it must be done in the very near future (within a month). I was planning on going on it for 4 weeks and 4 weeks off and had planned to take it right away. Something came up where I now can't take it for two weeks since it was reconstituted with the saline. I am worried of infections or possible sides since it was not mixed with BA or AA since from what I read the PH could be off. Honestly I do not even know what could happen if the PH is off and I am worried? Any advice. Wondering if I could still mix it with BA if I had picked some up? I am also thinking of just chucking it and buying a new bottle but thats $200 bucks gone! Again anyone with some experience and could help me out I really need some help and advice other then saying I should have mixed it with BA or AA. THANKS