Need help and hope I'm in the right forum...


Out of limbo
So I recently finished my 3rd cycle of AAS. Everything went good. I've been off pct for about a month and a half and have had trouble eating and maintaining my calories for about 2.5 months. I lost about 8 of the 28 lbs i gained on my cycle during pct but have maintained for the month and a half afterwards. My problem is this, not only have I struggled with my diet, 2 weeks ago I tore my front delt and can't train chest, shoulders, and can only do cable pulls for lats (no Lat pull downs ect) I'm worried that now not only can't I train these areas til my shoulder heals, I've had to force feed myself and food is hard to keep down most of the time. I know nothing about peptides AT ALL but if I remember right, I believe I read there was a peptide that increases appetite which very much interests me because I don't want to lose anymore muscle mass that I worked my ass off for and by not keeping my cals up my body's going catabolic. Is there anything that can at least keep my appetite up so I can get my cals in or do I just have to continue forcing food down my throat feeling like I want to throw it all up???
GHRP-6 will drastically increase your appetite.