Need help I'm a newbie and unsure of my pct plan help would be great lads!!

What's happening guys wanna run what I've learned so far about my cycle by yous so yous can poke holes in it so to speak ha
Test e 500mg weeks 1-12
Hcg 500iu weeks 1-12
Letro 0.6 mg 2x weeks 1-14
Clomid + nolva weeks 14-18 can you help with dosage for these two ? Other than that am I getting closer to a proper cycle ? Be blunt bro I can take it

I put the info above into a graph so you can see for yourself what you are planning. If you take your last shot at week 12-1/2, then have week 13 off, you have only taken 10 days off between last shot and PCT. For enanthate that's one half life. If you choose to do that, then your blood level would be about half maximum at start of PCT, then it would bleed down further depending on how many weeks you took PCT drugs.

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You haven't said how long to PCT, so I stuck in 4 weeks to make a point. You can see if you start week 14 and only PCT 4 weeks, then you emerge on the other end with a blood level still at 5.2 vs natural production of about 14-ish, so you would still be 37% suppressed. Not a good idea, so you need to do one of two things - either wait longer to start PCT or PCT for a few weeks longer than 4.

For dosage, if you insist at starting week 14 when you are still supraphysiologic for weeks 14 and 15, then you have to compensate by taking a larger clomid dose than otherwise, something like 100/100/50/50/50 (I'm showing 5 weeks here). If you push start of PCT out two weeks then there is no need for that and you could do 50/50/50/50/50. For nolvadex 40/40/40/20/20.

You also mentioned deca in an earlier post. If you do that all bets are off for this chart. You would need to reassess taking the 14 day half life of deca into account, so depending on dosage you'd have to wait another few weeks, or cut off deca a few weeks before you end test.

So what's I'd recommend
Test e 500mg weeks 1-12
Hcg 500iu weeks 1-14, 1,000 per day week 15
Letro 0.6 mg 2x weeks 1-15 - can't comment on Letro, suggest you get aromasin instead and use 12.5mg EOD 1 to 15
Clomid + nolva weeks 16-20 50/50/50/50/50 and 40/40/40/20/20
Thank you man your guidance is much appreciated bro I read the beginner stickys that's where I got most of that cycle from but holy shit do you have some amount of knowledge on this stuff ha where can I learn about how to calculate dosages of gear and pct like you have done and learn to calculate the timing like that and about blood level and yeah I've dropped the deca decided I should stick with just test e for now until I learn more and I will run the cycle you have mapped out for me above
Brilliant finally getting a little more knowledgeable because I was way off before ha thanks bro would you recommend running aromasin for the 14 weeks at maybe like 12mg a day ? And thanks for pct advice I I'll take your advice run it longer at lower doses any suggestions on the doses for the clomid and nolva and how long I should extend
For AI during I like .25mg anastrozole for each 200-250mg test. So at 500 per week I like .25 twice totaling .5mg week. Works for me.....some need much more but this I felt was safe. Bloodwork is best to confirm

FOR PCT : I like clomid 50mg per day for ONE week then 25mg per day for however long ya like to run it. I hear 4 to 6 weeks but I used 10 total. Recovered great. Everyone is different so listen to all the advice and TAKE whichever approach you think is best for you. If I go to high on pct doses I get bad visual sides. They quickly subside with lower dose.
This is just me. Again.....listen to everyone on here. A lot of knowledge around and these guys know much more than I do.
Do the blood work and consult a of luck bro
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