Need help recovery and gains.


New member
I'm a division 1 football athlete. I just finished my senior year in high school everything was fine until my I couldn't bend and was hardly able to run and jump. I had a disc herniation that required surgery and I am now recovering and will not be able to do basically anything for the next 2 months until I will start jogging and lifting again (not sit ups for 6 months). I am worried that with all the down time I will not be prepared going into my freshman year. There is a chance of playing time next year and I really need be at able to not be set back from my surgery. I'm 6'2 196 lbs and trying to gain about 15 pounds while increasing speed. Speed and strength are essential. Any tips/advice are greatly appreciated. 19 years old.
Take the time to heal. Recovering from injury is paramount to success, and will lead the way to meeting your goals. Once you've healed, you can use the knowledge you've gained by reading as much as you can while recovering.

I know you're hoping for a magic drug (you're on steroidology after all), but sadly there isn't one. It's all about diet and training - get those mastered, and you'll be good to go for the rest of your life.

My .02c :)
Wasn't sure of any other sites really. My diet and training have been maintained fairly well without supplements only because of my lack of knowledge regarding supplements. Curious about your thoughts on deer antler velvet. I've read completely different articles some liking the product others not liking it and of course it just being a scam.
Wasn't sure of any other sites really. My diet and training have been maintained fairly well without supplements only because of my lack of knowledge regarding supplements. Curious about your thoughts on deer antler velvet. I've read completely different articles some liking the product others not liking it and of course it just being a scam.

It's a scam, started as a scapegoat for legitimate IGF use by athletes. The ONLY safe supplements that I would recommend would be creatine, fish oil, and a good multivitamin like orange triad.

There's a humongous difference between kind of understanding diet, and truly knowing how it's done. For example, do you know your macro breakdown? Your TDEE/BMR? Which foods are the most beneficial in trying to put on lean mass?

The answers to these can be found in the diet section here, and are easily the biggest part of the puzzle. I honestly wish I had access to this kind of knowledge when I was your age, but we didn't have this fancy thing known as the Internet. ;)
time is the sure sure cure all period.Our bodies are amazing at self repair with cell regen, fixing almost everything sports related. SOME things can assist it with masking pain or enhancing the bodies efforts but TRUST ME. I maybe THE at least one of the,,, most banged up beat down cut on people here....time time time.

Failure will result in a weak link as you re enter the gym, the arena, the battle etc. Rest relaxation stimulation of augmentating compounds towards the goal of--------coming back better faster stronger