need help with painful test injection


New member
just had my 1st test injection and today my ass hurts like a bitch. any tips to make the pain go away? i cant climb stairs, let alone do a leg press.
Yes, please post brand and dosage. I have been doing a lot of research on this subject lately because I too recently got a somewhat 'uncomfortable' batch.

From what I have been reading there are 2 solutions. One is to cut it with sterile oil like grapeseed or cottonseed oil. That didn't work for mine, so I'm trying solution 2 which is filter the whole bottle through a .22um micron syringe filter, with some sterile oil added, and bake for 30mins at 275f with a 20g in the top to let it breathe.
I will be doing this tomorrow with a shot on thursday, I will post the results on friday.

Good luck.
if this is your first injection ever then it may be painfull. but if this is homemade brew then maybe to much BA, we need more info... thx
I heard too much BA was a myth when having painful shots. Apparently some guys tried a shot of straight BA with no I don't know if I'm going to buy into that theory too quick.

I'm starting to think the sorness could be from the composition 'crashing' after injection, where all the oil has been absorbed and seperated from the hormone, leaving the hormone to be absorbed without the oil present.
doesn't mean its the gear.. i had pharma grade and first injection (glute) was sore for about a week maybe more , it seems the muscle adapts to it as from then on it was only sore when i moved the needle while injecting.
For the "pain" you can use ibuprofen or acemetophin (tylenol)
Im taking Sustanon by Organon, 250mg each injection(2x week). Anyway, the pain has disappeared after 48 hours, i used a lot of BENGAY on my ass and I think it helped quite a bit.