Need help with recovery please

Warzo C

New member
I've been taking different types of test off and on for about 7 months now, I posted a different thread about a month ago about my low test so I won't bore you with the details. I had an early morning testosterone test about a month ago and I have been referred to an endo which I am still waiting for first appointment. I have got some clomid and hcg. My testicles have shrunken a lot and I am very worried about my recovery. Can anyone please advise me on how I go about taking the clomid and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? I am 23 197 pounds and like I said I have been on and off test for around a 7-8 months. Mostly around 500mgs a week, I have used test e sustanon and testanon. I went off for 5 weeks to get my blood test done and my test levels where just below the normal range and my doctor referred me to an endo. Again I realise that I have made a massive mistake and am learning my lesson the hard way. Obviously I'm looking now to go off aas for good and just want to have healthy natural test levels and train naturally for now on. Any advice on how to recover will be greatly appreciated, thanks
If you are ON TEST now...

Take your last long acting ester shot ---> boot Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 1000 iu EOD until 14 days has passed (time of the dissipation of long ester to clear)

Should have ran nolvadex alongside the 2 weeks administration of HCG----> then run it 2 weeks AFTER, while running 25 mgs Aromasin 4-6 weeks after.

Would throw in Sodium-D-Aspartate too, since its proven to increase testosterone.

Thanks Matt for your reply, unfortunately I can't get any nolvadex, I only have clomid and hcg. Ive read a lot of different forums about hcg, people saying to take higher doses than you suggested then I heard people saying to take the doses you suggested, can you shed any light on the reason for dose? Thanks, also I've been taking test for a bit too long for someone my age and was wondering how hard will it be to recover?
Did you not cycle right is that why you have low test? On and off teat for 7 months. Did you run a proper post cycle therapy (pct)? What did your cycles look like as far as weeks on weeks off? See you could have done permanent damage to yourself. Yes I'd do exactly what Matt said cause that's the exact way if tell you to do it. Hopefully it works out for you.
No I didn't cycle right at all and didn't use any pct, I know this is dangerous and I am learning my lesson for it, it was normally 7-8 weeks on and off and I never went over 750mg a week of test. If I use the clomid and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) how long of recovery am I looking at?
Thanks Matt for your reply, unfortunately I can't get any nolvadex, I only have clomid and hcg. Ive read a lot of different forums about hcg, people saying to take higher doses than you suggested then I heard people saying to take the doses you suggested, can you shed any light on the reason for dose? Thanks, also I've been taking test for a bit too long for someone my age and was wondering how hard will it be to recover?

I like the 1000 iu dose because its powerful enough to wake up your HPTA , but should not desensitize your leydig cells. Everyone is very different in regard to hormone/drug response so this is just an example.

I would also high recommend running 2 products I endorse --- sustain alpha and testosterone conversion factor-1 while using aromasin!!

Sodium-D-Aspartate Boosts Testosterone In Men - D-Aspartic Acid Effects - Testosterone Conversion Factor-1
Sustain Alpha Gel (topical) - Primordial Performance
