Need help with sdrol cycle


New member
Hello all,

So after much reading today on here and talking to friends I think I am going to run a sdrol cycle...

I grabbed some milk thistle which I am going to start rolling now...Sdrol not starting for a couple weeks.

I also have some test e I will be running in conjunction with the sdrol.

What else should I run during? And where can I get a hold of nova for serm? As I have never seen this over the counter...

From what it looks like hcgenerate and nova should cover post cycle therapy (pct) yea?
It's nolva, or nolvadex and you can buy it from peptide companies. It's not too hard to find (Here's a hint- look at our sponsors).
I have a few questions for you first.

1. How old are you?
2. What dosages are you running the superdrol and for how long?
3. What cycles have you done before?
4. What dose are you running the nolva for PCT?

Btw, I am currently on a cycle of superdrol. If you have any questions on what to expect, just ask.
Answer Clamp's questions and we can help you out a lil better. Also whats your diet/training look like as well as your stats and goals?... also if you're running only 1 serm I would run clomid instead, nolva lowers IGF-1 levels which ain't good
Make sure you get your hands on the SERM before you start the cycle. Don't turn into another horror story.
Ditto on the above to have everything ready with sdrol.

Hcgenerate would be extremely beneficial on cycle for libido support and improving the effectiveness of your post-cycle.

Nolva is good, some will argue with clomid but if you have nolva i'd grab some D-AA and some cissus for cortisol control. Vit C 2g/2-3x per day would help too. Keep your food intake up through post cycle too!