Do you guys regularly use orals ?i was thinking about using them but wasnt sure ive had a bad experience with pro hormones and kidneys plus all the protein i consume on a daily basis sort of scares me away from them
regularly , no . and I would not advise anyone use orals regularly. But, as a tool in the tool belt to pull out on certain occasions when needed (depending on goals and other compounds used). They have their 'niche' place, but injectables are preferred as the 'basis' or foundation of any cycle.
example : you can kickstart a bulk cycle with Dbol for four weeks, get a 'jump' on your gains and strength while your test E takes its time to kick in. one way to use an oral, but you can accomplish something similar with injectables, just front load your test E with test prop for 5 weeks and you don't need the oral . but the choice is there.
example : At the tail end of your cut (say you were running test and mast) run var for the last 5 weeks. Just as a finisher. or even some winny (even though injectable winny is much preferred) . OR say your doing a lean bulk and don't want to hold a lot of water or worry about much aromatization, run a moderate does of test, masteron, and an oral like T-bol.
I'd stay away form pro hormones, you don't know what your getting . Also, I would not worry about your kidneys and excessive protein intake. studies have found that there is NO correlation between excessive protein intake and kidney damage in healthy individuals (people with severe kidney problems are advised to keep protein low, but that does not carry over into body building) .
however, its the LIVER that is the primary issue. Most oral steroids are a C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa). This refers to a structural change of the hormone at the 17th carbon position that allows it to be orally ingested. Without the change the majority of the hormone would be destroyed before any benefit could be obtained. This makes it toxic to the liver, but also able to be ingested and put into the blood stream and used by the body . (but don't be too alarmed , this is nothing unique, plenty of other drugs you take like pain meds are similar).
orals have a place, but are not to be relied on or abused , or imo ran longer then 6 weeks , and should always be ran along side a good liver support protocol.