need prohormone


ameatur bodybuilder
i am looking to gain as much mass and strength possible from a ph. i have taking finaflex, halotest, emass and rave 5. i am looking for a better more powerful ph that will give me a good 20 lbs of muscle. can you help me please?
i am looking to gain as much mass and strength possible from a ph. i have taking finaflex, halotest, emass and rave 5. i am looking for a better more powerful ph that will give me a good 20 lbs of muscle. can you help me please?

12 week cycle of Testosterone Enth maybe with a Dbol kicker.

Even with something like Beastdrol(superdrol) its hard to reach 20 in 4 weeks and keep it. Your body will begin to normalize as the mass is not natural to it yet.

10lbs -15 lbs is more respectable.

And then how well you know post cycle therapy (pct) is how much you will keep.

After all those cycles, how big are you now?
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yeah i know about pct estrogen blocker how to run it properly. i need a legit site to get more stuff from. recently i took emass gained like about 8 or 9 lbs. im 5'6 weigh about 180. im really massive and lean for my frame
yeah i know about pct estrogen blocker how to run it properly. i need a legit site to get more stuff from. recently i took emass gained like about 8 or 9 lbs. im 5'6 weigh about 180. im really massive and lean for my frame

You sound massive and lean....and ALREADY being massive and lean, it will be tough to gain MORE massive lean muscle as your body is maintaining appreciable LBM anyways,,,

If you could put another 20 on,,,, that would be incredible....AndroMass v3 put 28lbs on Kalen Daniel in 8 weeks with no adverse effects on blood panels....

He was a rarity however...
they have hdrol, u could get some of that stuff on there.
has lots of prohormones too, xtren.. all that stuff.
I got epistane, thats about all i have
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You sound massive and lean....and ALREADY being massive and lean, it will be tough to gain MORE massive lean muscle as your body is maintaining appreciable LBM anyways,,,

If you could put another 20 on,,,, that would be incredible....AndroMass v3 put 28lbs on Kalen Daniel in 8 weeks with no adverse effects on blood panels....

He was a rarity however...


Is there a log of this?

If youre looking to run Pro-Hormones/Designer Steroids for longer than 4-6 weeks, you'll need to check out the Androseries. The lessened toxicity allows for longer cycles without really compromising your health.

Only PH/DS that ever made sense to run longer than 6 weeks was Bold and its kin waaay back when as a solidifying agent for a more potent PH/DS used in the beginning.

Past 6 weeks, injectables are where you should be looking. This is all my opinion though, but not many will argue with that.

Especially when costs start coming in and adding up.
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Is there a log of this?

Only PH/DS that ever made sense to run longer than 6 weeks was Bold and its kin waaay back when as a solidifying agent for a more potent PH/DS used in the beginning.

Past 6 weeks, injectables are where you should be looking. This is all my opinion though, but not many will argue with that.

Especially when costs start coming in and adding up.

The video of Kalen will be up anytime now. Here you can download his case report study. AndroMass

He was a rare case as most on Mass averaged 10lbs and Bulk testers pulled around 15lbs
Well, I am looking to gain as much mass and strength possible from. I am looking for a better more powerful ph that will give me a good 20 lbs of muscle. can you help me please?
