Need some Cycle feedback


New member
So here's what I've been thinking about:

Weeks 1-4 Dbol 40mg/day
Weeks 1-10 Test Enth. 400mg/week
Weeks 1-10 EQ 400mg/week
Weeks 13-15 Clomid 150/100/100

This will be my first Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle. I've been messing around with PH's for about 2 years now, but the gains are alright, but not great for the amount of cash I've dropped! I'll be waiting another few weeks before starting to try and gather the needed AS and to let my system recover from the last PH cycle (1-T, 4AD).

Nutrition is tight, but plan on upping total calories to 4500 or higher during cycle. My goal is to put on as much lean mass as possible and keep most of it. Preferrably, I'll end up with 20 quality pounds of muscle (lookin' for that 200lb mark!) That's right, screw the summer cutz, I'm gettin' big!

26 yrs old,
5'10'' 180lbs 14%bf
Started training in high school, but got serious about 3.5 yrs ago.

Any input is, as always, greatly appreciated.

For a first cycle, I recommend doing only a Test Enanthate or Cypionate cycle @ 400 mg/week for 8-10 weeks.

If your diet and training are on the mark, you should be more than able to add those 20 lbs.

You see....when you do more than one compound on your first cycle, you don't know which compound did what to you. Learn how your body reacts to Test first, second cycle add in the EQ, third cycle would be something along the line you've outlined above.

Clomid therapy should be as follows, two weeks after your last Test injection.
Day 1 - 300 mg
Day 2-11 - 100 mg/day
Day12-21 - 50 mg/day

You will also want to get some Nolvadex, just in case you start to get any gyno symptoms.

Good luck and happy growing.
Just a quick question on mg/ml.

If I need 4g (4000mg) of Test Enth, that would mean I need 20ml (if the stuff is 200mg/ml) correct?
dj_kno1 said:
Just a quick question on mg/ml.

If I need 4g (4000mg) of Test Enth, that would mean I need 20ml (if the stuff is 200mg/ml) correct?
a lot of the eth is 250 mg
Thanks for the feedback guys. I think I'm going to take your advise and start with a Test Enth. only cycle first, then in the future add EQ, etc..

Any ideas as to what the average street price is for a 10 week cycle of Test Enth (400mg/week)? Email me if you would rather not post.

