need some help from the experts how to run my cycle - PLEASE SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS!


New member
OK, this will be my third cycle. the others were in my early 20's. i have gotten extremely busy in a competitive sales job over the last 6 years and have fallen off my routine quite a bit. thankfully, i used good gear back in the day (primo, Winstrol (winny), equipoise, ect...) and have good genetics and have thus retained a fairly decent (manageable) physique. i am 6'4 and at my peak I was 228 with 6% BF and could lift 405 for 2 and jump straight up to dunk a basketball with two hands. i am not trying to be a douche, I am trying to give an idea of where I want to get back to...or as close as possible. I am now 32 years old...235 with 13-15% BF and I have landed the following gear.

1 10ml bottle of Test Cyp 300mg - Helix Labs
1 10ml bottle of sustanon 250mg - Genetix Labs
100 50mg Winstrol (winny) tabs - British Dragon (legit)
2 10ml bottle of Tren Ace 100mg - Genetix Labs
100 50mg clomid tabs
10000iu of HCG

What would be the best way to run this to achieve the best results? I think I have the workouts down...I am more curious to how I should stack these? I was thinking about running test all the way through and running tren at the beginning and att the end with the this a bad idea? I have all the legal supplements to go with it (post and pre-workout will be clean and will contain a gram of protein for every pound of body weight).

any help from the experienced members would be hugely appreciated.

Not trying to be a douche either but it's best if you did more research before attempting this cycle. You make no mention of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), HCG, blood work, post cycle therapy (pct), and then there's the fact that long esters need to be ran for 12wks or more and 1vial of test cyp and 1 of Sustanon (sust) won't cut it.
i will get another bottle of sustanon then. i am figuring 500mg of test a week for 12 weeks. I will be getting bloodwork done every two weeks to monitor my liver values. i have a lot of milk thistle, dandelion root, and tyler's liv 52 stockpiled to help with liver toxicity. i listed the items i have for pct...i am just wondering how to best utilize them.
I do not like Sustanon (sust) for cycling. Get 2 more vials of cyp and just use that. I'd run HCG for your full cycle and up to 4 days before post cycle therapy (pct). I would also add nolva with the clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). I haven't used tren yet, so I'll let someone else comment on dosage. BTW< Milk thistle really doesn't do much, I would recommend you get NAC, and maybe ALA also. Run the NAC at 2400mg/day while using orals.
when you say run HCG for the entire cycle...does that mean a shot per week? 500iu a week should suffice, no?

so here is what I am thinking then...

weeks 1-12 = 500mg of test at 250mg twice a week (combo of test cyp and sustanon or straight test cyp)
weeks 4-10 = 300mg of tren at 75mg eod
weeks 6-12 = 500 mg of Winstrol (winny) at 100 mg day (1 pill in morning and 1 pill before bed)
weeks 1-12 = 500iu of HCG once per week
weeks 12-18 = 350 mg of clomid per week at 50mg per day

any corrections on that...or does it look pretty good?
when you say run HCG for the entire cycle...does that mean a shot per week? 500iu a week should suffice, no?

so here is what I am thinking then...

weeks 1-12 = 500mg of test at 250mg twice a week (combo of test cyp and sustanon or straight test cyp)
weeks 4-10 = 300mg of tren at 75mg eod
weeks 6-12 = 500 mg of Winstrol (winny) at 100 mg day (1 pill in morning and 1 pill before bed)
weeks 1-12 = 500iu of HCG once per week
weeks 12-18 = 350 mg of clomid per week at 50mg per day

any corrections on that...or does it look pretty good?

Take a time out, read the stickys and do some research before you hurt yourself
I do not like Sustanon (sust) for cycling. Get 2 more vials of cyp and just use that. I'd run HCG for your full cycle and up to 4 days before post cycle therapy (pct). I would also add nolva with the clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). I haven't used tren yet, so I'll let someone else comment on dosage. BTW< Milk thistle really doesn't do much, I would recommend you get NAC, and maybe ALA also. Run the NAC at 2400mg/day while using orals.
Nac is available OTC?
i have done research on all of the compounds...and chose them very carefully for what I am trying to accomplish. i have been researching this for a little over 6 I am not just throwing this together. And not to sound ungrateful...but telling me to "read the stickys before i hurt myself" isn't exactly helping me out, is it? that is why I am here to seek the advice of the experts. could someone please give me some advice on how I have my cycle set up? I have it stacked that way to keep test levels even throughout (and HCG to keep my own natural production from falling too far off) and I want to get the benefits of all three comopunds at once, but thought I would do it for a limited time (i.e. i only have Winstrol (winny), test, and tren overlapping for 4 weeks (weeks 6-10) and I am finishing with Winstrol (winny) to maximize the cutting effect. is my thinking that far off? I appreciate the ALA suggestion...I just ordered a boatload and will be taking 2400mg/day throughout the cycle.
i have done research on all of the compounds...and chose them very carefully for what I am trying to accomplish. i have been researching this for a little over 6 I am not just throwing this together. And not to sound ungrateful...but telling me to "read the stickys before i hurt myself" isn't exactly helping me out, is it? that is why I am here to seek the advice of the experts. could someone please give me some advice on how I have my cycle set up? I have it stacked that way to keep test levels even throughout (and HCG to keep my own natural production from falling too far off) and I want to get the benefits of all three comopunds at once, but thought I would do it for a limited time (i.e. i only have Winstrol (winny), test, and tren overlapping for 4 weeks (weeks 6-10) and I am finishing with Winstrol (winny) to maximize the cutting effect. is my thinking that far off? I appreciate the ALA suggestion...I just ordered a boatload and will be taking 2400mg/day throughout the cycle.

You expect us to believe that? Really?...:Pat:
Personally if it was me :

1-12 (testosterone cypionate/sustanon) 500mg ew
4-12 (Trenbolone acetate) 50mg ed or 100mg eod
6-12 (winstrol) 50-100mg ed
4-14 (HCG) 1000iu ew split into two 500iu doses
14-15 (Clomid) 150mg ed
16-17 (Clomid) 100mg ed
18 (Clomid) 50mg ed

I would probably try throw in some tamoxifen for pct too, week starting 14' @ 40/40/20/20/10

Best of luck mate..!
You expect us to believe that? Really?...:Pat:

Have to agree here. You don't have enough gear and you would have clearly seen that in 6 months of research. Bloods every 2 weeks? While that would be great, it seems unrealistic. Anyway enough bashing. Here's my advice. Read the stickies especially


Post a proposed cycle AND PCT here in this thread and you'll find everyone a lot more helpful. As is now its just easier to bash you than to plan your cycle for you. Good luck!
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i have done research on all of the compounds...and chose them very carefully for what I am trying to accomplish. i have been researching this for a little over 6 I am not just throwing this together. And not to sound ungrateful...but telling me to "read the stickys before i hurt myself" isn't exactly helping me out, is it? that is why I am here to seek the advice of the experts. could someone please give me some advice on how I have my cycle set up? I have it stacked that way to keep test levels even throughout (and HCG to keep my own natural production from falling too far off) and I want to get the benefits of all three comopunds at once, but thought I would do it for a limited time (i.e. i only have Winstrol (winny), test, and tren overlapping for 4 weeks (weeks 6-10) and I am finishing with Winstrol (winny) to maximize the cutting effect. is my thinking that far off? I appreciate the ALA suggestion...I just ordered a boatload and will be taking 2400mg/day throughout the cycle.

The stickys have all the basic info which you seem to lack. Good luck on your cycle
I can dunk a basketball at 5'7 300+. Just throwing that out there as others have told you what you need to do.