Need some help guys! Command directed piss test


New member
Alright guys, need some help.
I'm in the army first of all. Last week I was command directed to take a piss test for juice. Apparently I'm under investigation by CID because my name got thrown out somewhere. I'm on TRT, prescribed by an army Doctor. But I just got off tren in November and off of EQ in Jan, not that long ago. I know the detection times are 4-5 months for both. Should I be worried? Because I am! I'm going through a MEB and this could fuck everything up. I'm supposed to get out soon but for some stupid fucking reason, someone opened there fucking mouth. And it's really funny because I don't talk to anyone about juice, especially military members for this exact reason! Please no trolls, and please help.
I would start looking into how the "natural" bodybuilders pass drug tests. There is a synthetic urine called quick fix that has worked for my people on regular drug tests I have no idea if it would work for something testing for steroids. I have heard diuretics can help with passing drug tests but I have no idea how that works. If it is a test where you are watched you can use some one elses urine with a "wizzinator" which is basically a fake dick that you put through your pants and liquid comes out of it through some sort of pump system or something. Someone elses urine will be your best bet as long as they are clean and you keep it exactly at body temperature. Lol it is not a easy process to do any of this if all else fails you can try to blame it on supplement cross contamination but I highly doubt that will work. Lol I've heard of people doing something called a oil change where they some how get some one elses urine in there own blatter but that sounds very unsafe on multiple levels to me.
I already pissed in a cup. And they don't joke around when it's a command directed. Pants were down to knees, and the examiner was literally in front of me while I was pissing staring straight at my dick.
That does not sound good if you have already taken the test and the steroids are still in your system. Sorry I misunderstood your post I thought you hadn't taken the test yet.
That s an "observed collection" impossible to adulterate from the outside. Damn dude...lil late. Steroid metabolites are much harder to get a positive read on ergo triple the cost as specific gravity is requested...AND those test s are so carefully done a mis test is rare. U can, if possible ask for a re test and while they wait, if they do kick it up a paygrade..stay f k n full of water as the half live s have halved so to speak. Germny--damn dude I got kin there but to the US..A_Z enterprises in AZ sells a 10 day body cleanse that will wash aas metabolites out of blood and urine but it s a gnarly regimine of horse herbage pills..too late Soldier...let s all pray ur detectable metab s were below a "prosecutable" amount. I know the ppm for weed blow meth etc as I used to teach rhis shtr but.....beg for a re test and drown...
I would try and find a ph that mimics or converts into eq brother that way they have to prove it was eq I had something very similar happen to me years ago a guy at the gym called my fire captain and told him I was on gear and filed a complaint I got the full spectrum test I tested positive for 5 aas I went to my buddy supp shop got every ph he sold took them to my doc got a letter for each one showing I would test false positive for each aas took 4 mths of time off but I got paid and kept my job. The guy that ratted on me did not make out so well
I was in the marines for 4 years '99-'03 and had to pee in a cup for juice numerous times but never popped. It's just a lie to get you to confess. It was in my case anyway. The few guys that did get caught had to do blood tests.

Awesome Shovel !!!

OP this is a viable possibility.....w o a pros. amount I was taught deny deny lies..then the Reagen..." I don t remember...".
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I had to take a steroid test earlier last year for the army to get TRT. The results came back negative but I had about a 3-4 break from everything G I was taking. And the prohormone idea is good but where am I going to find prohormones these days.. Like what the actual fuck, the military should be encouraging juice. It's fucking haters that I can't fucking stand.
I already pissed in a cup. And they don't joke around when it's a command directed. Pants were down to knees, and the examiner was literally in front of me while I was pissing staring straight at my dick.

So I guess this leaves out Onterrio Smith's beef after it was revealed he was caught at the Twin Cities airport with an elaborate contraption designed to beat drug tests where several vials of dried urine and a device called "The Original Whizzinator," which includes a fake penis, bladder and athletic supporter where found on his person during a routine airport check.
I own a whizinater ..iv bag w 98.6 heating element. 9 volt battery x 2 an with a threaded cap..and a threaded turkey baster to fill...awesome device if unobserved...I opted out for the fake penis..129.99 at A_Z Ent... lol

It s put waaay back as I m clean now...but it did work b t w....
How close are you to ETS? If you are already out processing, they cannot extend you in order to impose punishment. Stop loss ended years ago so they must allow you to process and receive your dd214 without hindrance.
How close are you to ETS? If you are already out processing, they cannot extend you in order to impose punishment. Stop loss ended years ago so they must allow you to process and receive your dd214 without hindrance.

Took the words right out of my mouth, thanks JonToms!
My packet just got submitted to the VA for my percentages. I'm in the process of Med boarding. But I would have ETS'd in Oct this year. So basically I'm in the middle of my MEB.
Alright guys, need some help.
I'm in the army first of all. Last week I was command directed to take a piss test for juice. Apparently I'm under investigation by CID because my name got thrown out somewhere. I'm on TRT, prescribed by an army Doctor. But I just got off tren in November and off of EQ in Jan, not that long ago. I know the detection times are 4-5 months for both. Should I be worried? Because I am! I'm going through a MEB and this could fuck everything up. I'm supposed to get out soon but for some stupid fucking reason, someone opened there fucking mouth. And it's really funny because I don't talk to anyone about juice, especially military members for this exact reason! Please no trolls, and please help.

You will test positive for EQ. If you get past this, use short esters. I would use test prop. Since you have a script for test, you have some room to maneuver.

I think it's fucked up that the military would test for steroids. What is this a kinder gentler warrior.

When you are in the military you have to keep aas under your hat. I see no benefit in anyone knowing. Don't order anything for awhile.
Well it's been over 3 weeks since I got piss tested, and I haven't heard anything. I have a buddy in DST who said that it should have came back by now, and it's super rare for it to take this long. I'm crossing my fingers I was taking fake EQ. I was running 1500 mg a week and I had my labs checked and it said my red blood cell count was normal. So I'm crossing my fingers!
Honestly, I find it hard to believe that they were testing for specific compounds. They probably just tested your T level. LH FSH (Which are nill, because you are on TRT), maybe estradiol. If your T level looks normal then you're probably in the clear. Three weeks late, you're fine. They should be able to get the test results the next day, so considering the slowness of government, 3 weeks would be ridiculously slow even for them.