Need some help to keep gaining, advice please.


New member
I'm 28 years old
6'1" tall
192-196 lbs
13% BF
Have done 5 cycles now, currently trying to do a blast cruise.

My problem is I can't seem to push my weight beyond 200 lbs. I'm at 195 now and I feel good and look strong but I WANT 215-225. No matter how much I eat my weight will not go up. I literally stuff my face all day for weeks and don't gain a lb. My diet is a pretty clean bulk diet and I get 4k calories a day minimum.

Anyone else have this, how did you beat it? Am I just wanting too much too fast?

I'm currently trying to blast my rats with 300mg test e, 600mg tren E, and 400mg deca week.
I read some rave reviews about this combo, but it's just not happening for me. I know the gear is good since I brewed it myself and a lab rat I gave it too had great results.

I lift 4-5 times a week, and do compound movements at least 3 of those days.

I feel like I have everything pretty much on point, but I'm just NOT growing. I'm starting to lose motivation from not being able to break this plateu.

I'm planning on cruising and then doing another blast, I home brew my gear and have pretty much everything, so any tips or advice on cycle would be appreciated.
wow I hate it when that happens but plateues happen.

Back off..maybe take a week is the most anabolic dirty..lift less more ?

Just trying to assist..

Seems hard to believe you can't get past 200 with that cycle and lots of nutritious foods. If your not already I would keep a maticulous food log and adjust it until you see the scale move. 4000kcal not working try 4200 for a week and keep incrementally increasing until you see the needle budge. It may mean that you have to eat 5kcal+ but it's doable if you get up early and eat every 2 hours.

I've also heard 3J has a good program in the nutrition section:) Finally I would make sure your getting regular blood work to alert you of any potential issues.
I will quote a little Rich Piana here, you gotta eat big to get big!!! If you arent gaining weight you arent eating enough, plain and simple. Eat more, a lot of guys think they eat a lot and they might, but if your not gaining youre not eating enough. Eat, eat, eat, and then eat. Eat dirty, train dirty and grow. A lot of people are so focused on macros and clean eating they will never grow. Eat my friend, a lot. Ill say it again, if your not growing, your not eating enough.
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When was the last time you took a break from the gym? When was the last time you changed up your training routine, and I'm not talking about swapping exercises and keeping the same rep ranges. I mean changing up rep/set ranges, manipulating variables like volume, intensity, density, rest periods. This sounds like a plateau and your body feels no reason to grow, so change things up, give your body a new stimulus, give it a reason to grow and then feed the beast.

"Eat dirty" Can anyone elaborate on this? I haven't had a single fast food item in around three years. The last time I tried to eat a hamburger from McDonald's I literally vomited and felt sick all day.

I'm not saying I don't eat hamburgers or bread or whatever, if it's REAL food I eat it. I just don't touch stuff that has 47 ingredients when it only takes 5 to make it at home.

I do weight gain shakes from scratch that are over 1200 calories, peanut butter eggs whole milk heavy cream coconut oil oats cocoa powder, I feel like that's pretty dirty.

The idea of eating MORE food is actually pretty daunting, but I agree.

If I'm not growing, eat more. I need to find more calorie dense foods, make the most of what room I have in my stomach I guess.

"Eat dirty" Can anyone elaborate on this? I haven't had a single fast food item in around three years. The last time I tried to eat a hamburger from McDonald's I literally vomited and felt sick all day.

I'm not saying I don't eat hamburgers or bread or whatever, if it's REAL food I eat it. I just don't touch stuff that has 47 ingredients when it only takes 5 to make it at home.

I do weight gain shakes from scratch that are over 1200 calories, peanut butter eggs whole milk heavy cream coconut oil oats cocoa powder, I feel like that's pretty dirty.

The idea of eating MORE food is actually pretty daunting, but I agree.

If I'm not growing, eat more. I need to find more calorie dense foods, make the most of what room I have in my stomach I guess.

Throw some ice cream in there, burgers, pizza, things like that that are high in calories. I shit you not when I started lifting and wanted to gain I was eating upwards of 10,000cals per day, no lie, I kept my protein high and ate whatever the hell I wanted on top of that, I ate every two hrs on the dot. If you have a fast metabolism and are an ectomorph you will most likely be able to get away with doing this and not gaining very much fat at all if any. If i got up in the middle of the night, i would eat one of my prepped meals, i actually still do that to this day. Now with that said, this is what I did, and it worked, im not saying this will work, it just worked/works for me, so take that like a grain of sand. Also BCASs between every meal my man without a doubt.
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Famous Rich Piana. "You cant gain weight? Eat more. You cant put on muscle? Eat more. If that doesnt work then guess what? Eat 6 meals a day ,if that doesnt work eat 7,8,9,fucken 10. You got to eat more" Look at the dude.He is massive.Must know what he is talking about. 5%er for life.
Good Luck
Famous Rich Piana. "You cant gain weight? Eat more. You cant put on muscle? Eat more. If that doesnt work then guess what? Eat 6 meals a day ,if that doesnt work eat 7,8,9,fucken 10. You got to eat more" Look at the dude.He is massive.Must know what he is talking about. 5%er for life.
Good Luck
I like Rich, hes a cool dude, and hes right, AND its not fuckin rocket science, if your not gaining, eat more, simple. If your still not gaining eat more!!! Food is one of only two things that will make you grow, the other one being rest.
wow I hate it when that happens but plateues happen.

Back off..maybe take a week is the most anabolic dirty..lift less more ?

Just trying to assist..


i took a week off and then felt a lot lot stronger.