need some insight on TRT side effects

read the Basic TRT Overview sticky thread in the TRT forum. That should answer a lot of your questions. A good start anyway.
All I need a direct answer to those questions I posted, i've been on many forums and I cant seem to get one. The sticky's have answered almost all of my questions, I just need to know if what I know is right/wrong.

Age/stats. Whats the reasoning? I only ask because you dont sound like you remotely understand what testosterone replacement therapy is...
Age/stats. Whats the reasoning? I only ask because you dont sound like you remotely understand what testosterone replacement therapy is...
18, no idea only been training for a year, so not impressive.

Reason is because I want to feel "superhuman" so to speak of lol i'm not only jumping on steroids for bodybuilding purpose.
Yea thought so. Trt isnt for you. You have a certain level of natty test in you. When u get older or things may happen it will drop. Trt simply replaces the natural levels of test you once had or should have. Trt isn't a cycle. Your on it for life. Being 18, your probably looking for magic. You sit there playing video games and watch some porn. Think to yourself, "I'm going to get huge next week!" No... It dont work like that. Diet, training, and commitment. Drugs are not magic...
I'm fully aware, but the more I have the better it will be, I cant possibly increase my natural test levels, therefore jumping on test and taking whatever amount i'm comfortable with will make me stronger/faster, right?

& like I said i'm not going to jump on test to get big, I'm jumping on it mainly to increase my performance when doing sports.
Hey boy.

U are accessing the number 1 steroid forum on the planet.

We will guide you. Educate you. " Hook you up" later.

U pop off to a mod or a senior member I ll send your ip address to every LE agency and gay porn site
AND prison library so BUBBA can show you it s mean side.

Now ur response will dictate if your for real a man or a fkn troll punk we do not want need or will put with.

But please do not do shit w/o posting your bloodwork....I want to help...don t be a fkn asshole on my watch.
Why not try a proper diet and workout routine? You are severely misinformed. Your not going to feel "super human" by taking amounts of test your "comfortable" with. Your the epitome of laziness bud. Look up 3j. Get on his nutrition program. Go to the gym and hit the weights. Your not going to get anywhere otherwise...
How am I being an asshole? i'm just trying to get informed on this subject before I jump on test, I dont want to end up fucking myself up lol
I don't think u are making the right decision here
Unless u want to be a pin cushion the remander of your life and other protocols as well being on hrt
Hey boy.

U are accessing the number 1 steroid forum on the planet.

We will guide you. Educate you. " Hook you up" later.

U pop off to a mod or a senior member I ll send your ip address to every LE agency and gay porn site
AND prison library so BUBBA can show you it s mean side.

Now ur response will dictate if your for real a man or a fkn troll punk we do not want need or will put with.

But please do not do shit w/o posting your bloodwork....I want to help...don t be a fkn asshole on my watch.

I missed you T! A man amongst mods lol
So what would be the right thing to jump on to feel "super human"?
Your natural test should do the trick at your age
If anything get some blood work done from your doc if u want to know where u stand and Def don't bring up u want to feel superhuman and steroid use lmao
Your young u got a lot of time to grow and fuck on your natural t levels
A lot of dudes u see on cover mags or on here have been training for years and make it part of there life not just 1-2 years and u are built like a monster, doesn't work like that bro
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By TELLING or EMPHATICALLY urging Mega " answer the "q s". !!!!!! U d last 2 m s in a holding cell son.

All good now. I was hovering on ban for deadweight.

Ya ll talk with him...I ll be 10-8...standing bye....if I get a signal 47 your gonna be section 8 d.
PLEASE learn and talk to your elders with respect as your to uninformed to.....I m out...10-8
going to the gym has actually decreased my performance in sports, lost loads of flexibility & speed xD

I know you dont want me to fuck myself up, but regardless i'm capable of making my own decisions lol it's probably going to be better if you inform me, or i'll just end up injecting things which aparently, wont do what i'm looking for xD