need some insight on TRT side effects

I dont mind if I fuck my natural T level, if I jump on test, i'll be on it for good, I wont be cycling anything, unless I run out of money

my concern isnt my health, we're all going to end up in a box 6 feed under ground sooner or later anyway

I acknowledge my lack of knowledge is maybe going to affect other s my age and will not act so stupid in the future or T WILL give me a little time off.
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Hey bro do what u want to do your a grown man no one here is gonna spoon feed u, we all make our own decisions but again I can tell by the way u are speaking to some your showing your age man u want to be spoon fed
If u had any clue there is info on this site, I take it u still live with.mommy and daddy as well?
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going to the gym has actually decreased my performance in sports, lost loads of flexibility & speed xD

I know you dont want me to fuck myself up, but regardless i'm capable of making my own decisions lol it's probably going to be better if you inform me, or i'll just end up injecting things which aparently, wont do what i'm looking for xD


Don't be an irresponsible 18 year old little shit looking for a quick fix. Do you not understand the potential consequences of your actions?

Holy fucking christ, It doesn't appear you're capable of making your own decisions.

Don't be an irresponsible 18 year old little shit looking for a quick fix. Do you not understand the potential consequences of your actions?

Holy fucking christ, It doesn't appear you're capable of making your own decisions.

Better ask mommy first lol
How's it going Matt? Haven't seen u on here in a lil while...
Hey bro, still come on here just not as much recently just been busy with work, gym and family life
Been working with 3j the last 6 months bulking, pushing 235lbs now and looking forward to starting my cut soon probs in another month or so, just maintaining right now till 3j gives me the go :), how's it going with yourself?
Hey bro do what u want to do your a grown man no one here is gonna spoon feed u, we all make our own decisions but again I can tell by the way u are speaking to some your showing your age man u want to be spoon fed
If u had any clue there is info on this site, I take it u still live with.mommy and daddy as well?
suprisingly i'm living on my own

why the hostility lol
All I can tell u is read the stickys. Can't help those that can't help themselves...

like I said, I just need to know if what i'm doing is right

I dont need a lesson on what does what and why and who's and wheres my concern is getting stronger & thats it

Whats the purpose of these forums if you're getting mad at me asking a simple question? afterall the people who are in here are coming to learn, or atleast I assume so.
read the Basic TRT Overview sticky thread in the TRT forum. That should answer a lot of your questions. A good start anyway.
One question about TRT

acording to your thread, it says it will restore your natural levels, right? What if I were to inject more trt thats been reccomended by a doctor, wouldnt that increase it, or TRT simply resotres your natural rates regardless how much you take?

Y won t you please help me ??? I m gonna hold my breath till I pee......
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this is not the TRT forum u little impatient lazy boy

silly boy u thought WE D endorse a child fukin hisself eh ?

Strike 1 and 2 and your almost gone.

Ur to young to approach this right now w-o blood work . U even said :if I do not run oughtta money" I l bet ur nuts u can t afford a cycle s diet even. It s a shame too

Do it..
Fact being u come.on here asking stupid questions about feeling superhuman and saying shit like we are all gonna be 6 feet under, u don't even factor in much more about self administration on a hrt dose, plus u don't even have blood work to.see where your natty t levels stand at your age
Why self administrate a hrt dose when u are simply producing that naturally? Doesnt make sense! And without blood work you will never know where u stand as u are speculating yourself
One question about TRT

acording to your thread, it says it will restore your natural levels, right? What if I were to inject more trt thats been reccomended by a doctor, wouldnt that increase it, or TRT simply resotres your natural rates regardless how much you take?

What you're proposing is CRUISING, not TRT.

If you want to be on TRT, please pull your shorts down to your ankles, place your yam sack on the table, and beat the hardy boys a few times with a hammer. Wait a week for the swelling to come down, and get a blood test. If you're still creating testosterone naturally, you didn't beat your nuts enough and need to do it again.

That way, when you inject testosterone, you really are replacing what you should have naturally. You know, like before you smashed your cojones with the hammer?

Guess what, injecting hormones at your age is doing just that - destroying your testicles. Your dick might stop working, you will stunt your growth, possibly create acne vulgaris, and many other nasty surprises because you simply want to be faster and stronger.

Absolutely worst case I've seen in awhile trying to justify AAS use. Well, that and the kid who wanted to destroy his sex drive on purpose. :laugh:
Fact being u come.on here asking stupid questions about feeling superhuman and saying shit like we are all gonna be 6 feet under, u don't even factor in much more about self administration on a hrt dose, plus u don't even have blood work to.see where your natty t levels stand at your age
Why self administrate a hrt dose when u are simply producing that naturally? Doesnt make sense! And without blood work you will never know where u stand as u are speculating yourself
So taking a higher dose of TRT wont make me stronger right? at it will do, regardless of the dose, is resotre my natural T levels?
This kid must be a fucking troll. Please go away. Look above it is probably this fucker with another account. ^^^^

If you are serious about this please reconsider as you will destroy your body by cruising at such a young age. This generation is fucked because of this sense of entitlement that kids have. Work for your results and don't rely only on gear. I gained plenty of muscle and strength without gear. The gym does not kill flexibility and I played both football and baseball while lifting big weights. Stop being a pussy and lift naturally for a few years kid.
i'm a new born baby to this subject lol
Do what Teutonic has mentioned twice. Go to, pay the 50 some odd bucks for the female panel (yes, I'm serious), head to your local labcorp that you selected, and get the blood test.

Post your results from your test, THEN we'll talk. You're very confused about what you're proposing, and many of us on TRT find it offensive that a young guy would INTENTIONALLY ruin his natural production on purpose without any real reason or logic behind it.
Do what Teutonic has mentioned twice. Go to, pay the 50 some odd bucks for the female panel (yes, I'm serious), head to your local labcorp that you selected, and get the blood test.

Post your results from your test, THEN we'll talk. You're very confused about what you're proposing, and many of us on TRT find it offensive that a young guy would INTENTIONALLY ruin his natural production on purpose without any real reason or logic behind it.

He does not have low T at that age. He is just being a hard headed kid who wants quick results without thinking about consequences. He should get tested for peace of mind, but how many 18 year old kids will test for low T. My guess is that only around 1% of kids that age have an issue with testosterone.
This kid must be a fucking troll. Please go away. Look above it is probably this fucker with another account. ^^^^

If you are serious about this please reconsider as you will destroy your body by cruising at such a young age. This generation is fucked because of this sense of entitlement that kids have. Work for your results and don't rely only on gear. I gained plenty of muscle and strength without gear. The gym does not kill flexibility and I played both football and baseball while lifting big weights. Stop being a pussy and lift naturally for a few years kid.
how am I coming accros as a troll? sorry if i sound dumb, i've only been researching this subject a few weeks
whats cruising?
like I said, i'm not going to taking steroids to lift heavy or get big, I only want to do it to increase my athletic performance

each person has a goal in mind, why the fuck do you have to get mad at my own decision?