He does not have low T at that age. He is just being a hard headed kid who wants quick results without thinking about consequences. He should get tested for peace of mind, but how many 18 year old kids will test for low T. My guess is that only around 1% of kids that age have an issue with testosterone.
He does not have low T at that age. He is just being a hard headed kid who wants quick results without thinking about consequences. He should get tested for peace of mind, but how many 18 year old kids will test for low T. My guess is that only around 1% of kids that age have an issue with testosterone.
how am I coming accros as a troll? sorry if i sound dumb, i've only been researching this subject a few weeks
whats cruising?
like I said, i'm not going to taking steroids to lift heavy or get big, I only want to do it to increase my athletic performance
each person has a goal in mind, why the fuck do you have to get mad at my own decision?
Because I know that most kids won't even go through the trouble of getting a blood test. I figure that if we can get a baseline, we can at least paint a picture that will be more "real", as seeing a number can help represent what truly is at risk here.
One question about TRT
acording to your thread, it says it will restore your natural levels, right? What if I were to inject more trt thats been reccomended by a doctor, wouldnt that increase it, or TRT simply resotres your natural rates regardless how much you take?
Y won t you please help me ??? I m gonna hold my breath till I pee......
So taking a higher dose of TRT wont make me stronger right? at it will do, regardless of the dose, is resotre my natural T levels?
These two quotes in particular. I'm not sure what was there before the edit by mods, but it doesn't make sense. "Inject more TRT?" wtf?
I was talking to the op, but maybe you and the op are the same person?
And I want him to tell me what it consists of because he obviously isn't grasping that concept.
I basically want something which will increase my athletic performance, i've got no clue if TRT is that, I thought a TRT was another word for synethetic testosterone, and as far as im concerned testosterone plays a major roll in strength, speed and recoveryOK. going on TRT is injecting testosterone into your body because your body doesn't make it's own. So your "inject more TRT" is to increase the amount of testosterone, which is then called a testosterone only cycle, which you said you don't want to do.
And no TRT doesn't do anything to help your natural testosterone levels. It actually shuts it down so if you're a healthy 18yo with good natural test production and try to self administer a low dose of testosterone for long periods (TRT as it would be called), your body would shut down and you most likely would see no benefit at all from the TRT, your nuts would shrink, you might become infertile, etc
I say ip ban. Wipe them all out.
Why I am just here to help and be helped. You are an angry human being. If OP is trolling then ban him not me.
I say ip ban. Wipe them all out.
I just want something thats going to increase my performance in strength, i'm not sure if TRT is the answer, althought I thought it was
whether or not my t levels are high I dont dont care, i'm not looking for that, i'm looking for strength, speed and recovery, if TRT isnt that then you can close this thread
I clearly have loads to learn on this subject, so if you could link me to some threads which will thoroughly explain what i'm looking for i'll gladly appreciate it
once again, sorry if I come across as rude, or whatever, im not trying to offend anyone, im only trying to inform myself on this subject