Need some professional advice on my second cycle

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I am banned!
I recently bought a cycle and have been holding onto it until i got into good enough shape natty and I think I'm pretty close. I'm 6'0 208 on a empty stomach in the morning. 27 years old on valentine's day. I ran a just test e cycle a couple years back for 12 weeks. Clomid as my post. Great gains on but wasn't able to keep them idk if it was my post or if I even received real clomid tabs. Anyhow I'm much bigger and stronger now that when I finished my first cycle so I'm ready for my next. I have 2 test e 2 tren e and 2 deca. I also have 2 HCG 10,000IU and 30 50mg clomiphene citrate. What is the protocol? Am I missing anything? Anavar or dbol? I had problems with gyno on the first cycle should I be taking something for that off the gun so it doesn't get bad? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I will post pics of the products as well. Thanks fellas.
Read the ology faq's thread. You got a lot you need to know before you start a cycle..

...then put a cycle together and come back for critique.
You have ran a cycle before, this shouldn't be that difficult. Do your own foot work. We will give our opinions after YOU do that. Welcome to Ology!
Welcome :wavey:

It's hard to tell if you are educated enough in AAS use as you need to be. SO that's why my O'logy buddies advised you as they did.

After you read up please come back ad layout your protocol in an outline format,
wk 1-12 Test 500mg / split
wk 1-14 Ai ?dose ed / eod or wk

Wk 16 PCT
clomid ?/?/?/?/
Nolva ?/?/?/?/

Somehting of that nature....that was just a sample of an outlined cycle.

You will see this in the stickys
You have too many compounds there. If this is your 2nd cycle, all you need is test and you will grow like a weed as long as you eat. If you are insistent on adding another compound, try dbol as a kickstart or maybe add the deca. Take the tren put it in a closet and save it for a few years down the road.
You have too many compounds there. If this is your 2nd cycle, all you need is test and you will grow like a weed as long as you eat. If you are insistent on adding another compound, try dbol as a kickstart or maybe add the deca. Take the tren put it in a closet and save it for a few years down the road.

Jezz man do as ^^^ he BigSwole said 2nd cycle , what are you thinking, put that away. Listen you're not ready. Many people can't even handle the sides, ... I am one, only twice for me.

You as so many people only need 2 compounds total. Maybe a 3rd if you are going to start a cut for a purpose like a show.

But really you can grow and get the results if you only did test another cycle. Some of my best have been test with just test pop for a kicker.

Remember, and this is true with most everything in life,,, keep it simple your body appreciate it.

PS: where did you go OP, I hope you come back so we can help you get this right for you as best we can........
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Hey guys! Sorry, I didn't even notice people replied. So I'll do some reading tonight I have been doing a lot since I created this post. So save the Tren and just go with the deca and test huh. I'll deff take your guys advice like I said I only did 12 weeks of test and my PCT was horrible. I gained a solid 20lbs and was the leanest I've ever been. I got up to 225 then lost literally all my gainz. I'll do some more reading see if I can put something together and guys can critique it. Should I be running exemestane throughout the cycle since I'm prone to gyno? The brand of the product is LWP Pharma. This dude put this cycle together for me after I told him what I told you guys. That I'm 27 and ready for my second cycle. He also sent me 100 25mg anavar but my cousin wanted to run them so I gave them to him. Well ill talk to you guys soon. Thanks.

Despite a lot of people telling me to run the test e and tren e because deca has "a lot of bad sides" I think I'm going to take your guys' advice and run with the test e and deca. 500mg of test E with 500iu of HCG every week. And I'm still not sure on the deca dosage? I was thinking 300-450mg every week and 100-150 mg every Monday Wed Fri.?

My diet is and has been solid 90% of the time but my plan is

10 whites every morning (jumbo eggs)
1 cup of oats
Gainer shake no sure which one.
20-30 almonds

6-8oz chicken
1cup rice
1 cup asparagus

6-8oz chicken
1 cup sweet potatoes
1 cup asparagus

1 cup ground beef
1 cup sweet potatoes
1 cup asparagus

6-8 oz chicken
1 cup Jasmine rice
1 cup broccoli

Gainer shake before bed?

Shake in the middle of the night?

And my workout plan is

Back bis

Chest tris


Shoulders traps

I am open to any workout plan but I usually just hit that and I'll whatever isn't sore that day sometimes. Working out is easy it's the dieting that is a little tough.

Hope you guys can help me out.


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no source talk read the board rules

despite a lot of people telling me to run the test e and tren e because deca has "a lot of bad sides" i think i'm going to take your guys' advice and run with the test e and deca. 500mg of test e with 500iu of hcg every week. And i'm still not sure on the deca dosage? I was thinking 300-450mg every week and 100-150 mg every monday wed fri.?

My diet is and has been solid 90% of the time but my plan is

10 whites every morning (jumbo eggs)
1 cup of oats
gainer shake no sure which one.
20-30 almonds

6-8oz chicken
1cup rice
1 cup asparagus

6-8oz chicken
1 cup sweet potatoes
1 cup asparagus

1 cup ground beef
1 cup sweet potatoes
1 cup asparagus

6-8 oz chicken
1 cup jasmine rice
1 cup broccoli

gainer shake before bed?

Shake in the middle of the night?

And my workout plan is

back bis

chest tris


shoulders traps

i am open to any workout plan but i usually just hit that and i'll whatever isn't sore that day sometimes. Working out is easy it's the dieting that is a little tough.

Hope you guys can help me out.


read the board rules before trying to source again
The blazingly obvious missing link is an AI . Probably why you lost most of the gains from first cycle. Most of it was water from excess estrogen.

Before adding second compound that also aromatizes you need to figure out the right amount of ai needed for test only. It's very individual so no way anyone can spoon feed you the info.
You my need less or more the the next guy. Blood work is pretty important pre cycle as well as during your cycle. After your cycle bloods can determine if you've recovered only if you have baseline to compare.

Like the above-mentioned posters have said. It's better you read, get your own info then ask ???? About WHT you Don't understand the US telling you everything. You'll understand why you need certainly better.
Aas can leave lasting effects long after the cycle is over. When you're better prepared those effects have a better chance of being much more positive. Unprepared and you'll be back complaining why you're new breasts are poking out of your shirt and Mr winky is failing to rise to the occasion.

It's best you know much more than you currently do
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:laugh3: OMG...LMFAO ah hahahaaa..... :elephant:

.......... Unprepared and you'll be back complaining why you're new breasts are poking out of your shirt and Mr winky is failing to rise to the occasion.
:laugh3: OMG...LMFAO ah hahahaaa..... :elephant:

.......... Unprepared and you'll be back complaining why you're new breasts are poking out of your shirt and Mr winky is failing to rise to the occasion.

Its getting bad when you can just copy paste your answers for multiple threads lol
Its getting bad when you can just copy paste your answers for multiple threads lol


You must be talking about post # 6....
I won't copy and paste it.

Ya know if we didn't copy and paste with agreement and maybe say it in different word with maybe a little testimony...? well wht don't we hold it all to one guy answering the Q's with no support from others...

Hell go back to the gym and just do what ever some dumb fvck tell you... Don't need another opinion. Jus take my word type of answer.

That would be getting bad, why go to a forum and get other opinions ....?

PS: it's early for me today....and i'm just a grouchy old fvck
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You must be talking about post # 6....
I won't copy and paste it.
I honestly dont know what i was thinking i wasn't having a go at you though if you did copy and paste replys that would be awesome lots of guys asking the same stupid questions latley . Copy paste would save us a bit of time and givethe fingers a rest lol

You must be talking about post # 6....
I won't copy and paste it.

Ya know if we didn't copy and paste with agreement and maybe say it in different word with maybe a little testimony...? well wht don't we hold it all to one guy answering the Q's with no support from others...

Hell go back to the gym and just do what ever some dumb fvck tell you... Don't need another opinion. Jus take my word type of answer.

That would be getting bad, why go to a forum and get other opinions ....?

PS: it's early for me today....and i'm just a grouchy old fvck

Copy and paste my edit ^^^^^^^^^^^^ just so you didn't miss it.
"Read the stickies" would cover better than half of the posts at ology for sure.
I look back when I first went rogue at the knowledge I had. One think I lacked was prolactin based ed when running 19 nor compounds. I was on trt so recovery ws never an issue, but I like my dick to work in command like it has since I was 14
Lol im a bit lost what i meant was i thought you were copying and pasteing your own previous replys to new threads because a few guys were asking the same sort stupid questions in separate threds my bad confusing evreyone including myself now haha
so you lost gains in pct last cycle??

how was your diet in pct? thats usually where people screw up
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