Need tips on Bulking.


New member
Ok 1st off I havent been working out very long so if i ask stupid questions dont flame to bad. How much protein should I be taking in daily and how many hours of my day should be devoted to working out ? Also I find that I never have much energy throughout my day and iam wondering why ? I lift big ( for me anyways ) and i usually do 6-10 reps of heavy stuff. In the morning should my arms,legs,shoulders etc hurt ? they never do like they would when I was trying to get cut. Bulking is not going over with me to well. I workout at my house but i was thinking about getting a gym membership and hopefully then Ill be a little more motivated. Also thinking of picking up some creatine for maybe that extra last rep that I can never get all the way up. What do you think ?
U shouldn't "hurt" but u should be really sore. Are your 6-10reps all out??(the best u can do??) or are u not giving it 110%?? when do u work out?? Do u eat something 1-2hrs before u workout?? I get tired 2, but usually as i work out i get more energy. how bout u?? or r u just tired all the time?? Whats your workout look like?? Diet?? How many days do u train??
1hr workouts should be plenty. 3-4days a wk. 3 days should be enough.
Hit the big 3...deads, squats, bench. Creatine should help some.
Eat, eat, eat. Rest. U should make gains.
1 gram of protein per lb of bodyweight is suggested for basic muscle maintance. 1.5 - 2 grams is suggested for bulking. A lot of people go over 2 grams per lb. with incredible results.