Need your opinions about my first cycle test and primo


New member
I am 19 years old I start to working out 11 months before,I was 59kg when I start now I am 78kg 5'10 my diet is clean 300gr protein 350 gr carb 70gr fat no cheat meal no supplements all of my macros comes from real food I workout 5x a week.
I gained muscle but my body fat rised significitianly I hate from bloated looks and trying cut without aas not worth it I lose too much muscle even with very high protein diet you can see my current physic from photos.

My cycle idea; 500mg test e, 600mg primo (pharma grade,in my country you can buy in pharmacies) and during cycle arimidex and if testicles shrunk happened hcg for pct nolvadex + clomid.

What do you think?

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Wayyyyy tooooooo young to be using AAS. Your brain/endocrine system are still developing. You greatly increase the risk of permanently damaging them when you use AAS before this development is completed. Are you prepared for the risk of being on TRT the rest of your life?
youre risking low t for the rest of your life.. youre doing so well without anabolics.. why are you in such a rush?? wait till youre 25 and keep doing what youre doing brother!! great work!
youre risking low t for the rest of your life.. youre doing so well without anabolics.. why are you in such a rush?? wait till youre 25 and keep doing what youre doing brother!! great work!

Hi thanks for your answer, I am in rush because I realized beauty and aesthetic of human body. My training and diet out of this world but even with that dedication reaching my image body can take more then 7-8 years and still I can't look like someone who inject 500mg tren and have half of my dedication
Anyway my blood works will come in 2 days If my test level naturally high I'll not cycle until 22-23 but If its not high then There is no reason not to cycle
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Hi thanks for your answer, I am in rush because I realized beauty and aesthetic of human body. My training and diet out of this world but even with that dedication reaching my image body can take more then 7-8 years and still I can't look like someone who inject 500mg tren and have half of my dedication
Anyway my blood works will come in 2 days If my test level naturally high I'll not cycle until 22-23 but If its not high then There is no reason not to cycle

It will still take 7-8 years or more. Steroids don't magically give you the body you want over night.
It will still take 7-8 years or more. Steroids don't magically give you the body you want over night.

Yes sir I know that fact but, I workout with compound movements 5x week very heavy and even with 300gr protein I become overtrained maybe If I use mild steroids like primo and test e this can shorten to recovery time and I can workout everyday and harder and I can reach the body I want in 4-5 years.
Also I am not type of teenegers "I know everything" If you vets say 12 weeks primo e,test e can make serious damage to body even with correct protocols (hcg and arimidex during cycle and nolva + clomid pct)
My bloodwork results just came my total testosteron level: 653 ng/ml and free testosterone : 20.64 pg/ml
What do you think is this good result not to risk with aas use?
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on a scale of 270-1070 you'd be considered average.
I have a full 12 week cycle sitting in my nightstand at home. yet im not going to run it until im 25 because i want to exhaust all my natural potential before that point.
Your diet and training protocol have gotten you close to 20KG in less than a year... thats pretty fantastic results man!

Stay natty and keep working hard for 3-4 more years THEN when you know you've worked hard and earned the right to run a cycle it'll be so much more rewarding.
Plus why run a cycle at 19 when it 2-5 years you might not even be into lifting anymore and bam you effed your natty production for life for something you only enjoyed for a couple years.
My bloodwork results just came my total testosteron level: 653 ng/ml and free testosterone : 20.64 pg/ml
What do you think is this good result not to risk with aas use?

Your TT is above average for your age. As you get older it should increase if you don't screw things up.

Thank you everyone for suggestions, I think my test levels are good for build muscle as you said so I am gonna workout at least 2-3 years more without aas and try to reach my genetic limit then I'll cycle.
My last question is how to prevent muscle loss when cutting I consume 300-350gr protein but still lose muscle when cutting maybe If not too harmfull little clen can help (I checked my heart,blood pressure very healthy) but I am open to other suggestions thanks...
What does your cutting diet look like? are you having a cheat meal/day every week or two to ramp up metabolosm? Maybe you should look into 3Jnutrition for advice. he could put you on a diet losing fat while gaining muscle.
i would prefer someone to use Albuterol dosed 3x a day over clen. clen will work better but the sides are much worse. maybe try an EC stack?
What does your cutting diet look like? are you having a cheat meal/day every week or two to ramp up metabolosm? Maybe you should look into 3Jnutrition for advice. he could put you on a diet losing fat while gaining muscle.
i would prefer someone to use Albuterol dosed 3x a day over clen. clen will work better but the sides are much worse. maybe try an EC stack?

I am using keto diet for cutting only 30-40gr carb before workout,protein 300-350 gr and 140-160gr fat (coconut), actually no I never having a cheat meal even bulking If even eat one bite chocolate I hate myself, I can acces to Ventolin in pharmecies it is a Beta 2 agonist like clen I can use that instead of clen.
Finding Efedrin can be little tricky for me but I'll research
Key is cutting the right way to minimize muscle loss. If you restrict calories too much / too long it affects your thyroid and testosterone levels. Refeeds can help. A good diet coach can be really beneficial in helping you figure out what works best for you. And a lot cheaper/safer than buying gear.
Thank you everyone for suggestions, I think my test levels are good for build muscle as you said so I am gonna workout at least 2-3 years more without aas and try to reach my genetic limit then I'll cycle.
My last question is how to prevent muscle loss when cutting I consume 300-350gr protein but still lose muscle when cutting maybe If not too harmfull little clen can help (I checked my heart,blood pressure very healthy) but I am open to other suggestions thanks...

do intermittent fasting dont eat 16H at least it's easy eat big meal 18.00 then that evening you dont want eat anyway next day say you wake up 8.00 go to gym return and eat again 10.00 intermittent fasting was finally a way for me to get visible abs I tried everything nothing worked for 2 years... I did not lost any strength during this time there were many days when I did not eat for whole 24H every fitness guru would scream you loosing muscle all I could say is pure utter BS at least for me... here my pics: before IM 2014 October and just now note that I have trained 3 years with almost similar routine
2014 ocotber
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now few days ago
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this is when I was eating like all fitness guru would like tons of protein many times per day 4-5 meals per day result - sucks lot of fat I was 101-103KG that time now 95-97 and strength is even little bit better
2013 ocotber

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so 2013 October I was trying bulk 2014 October cut now with intermittent fasting you can see that result is best.
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and I have never counted calories or protein honestly I have no clue whatsoever how much calories I consume or protein... if I get little more fat I just try eat little bit less as previous days that's it. protein of course every meal mainly beef then oats peanut butter eggs etc etc but I just have no idea how many grams I consume, it just in my opinion is too much hassle measure everything every time I snack some almond or banana or fruit when I'm out with friends etc etc should I weight everything and then with calculator calculate oh no :D
Implementing refeed days every 1-2 weeks would greatly benefit any low carb diet. Look into intermittant fasting like Rikardo said above or look into carb cycling rather than keto.
I am currently carb cycling and i've not lost any strength nor do i feel im losing muscle mass. and this is carb cycling on 500 calories below.
Like Tron said, a nutrition coach would be much cheaper than steroids and you'd benefit from life long knowledge.
and I have never counted calories or protein honestly I have no clue whatsoever how much calories I consume or protein... if I get little more fat I just try eat little bit less as previous days that's it. protein of course every meal mainly beef then oats peanut butter eggs etc etc but I just have no idea how many grams I consume, it just in my opinion is too much hassle measure everything every time I snack some almond or banana or fruit when I'm out with friends etc etc should I weight everything and then with calculator calculate oh no :D

You got pretty decent results with intermittent fasting, Yes you was look look bloated before intermetting fasting and after just amazing, did you lose any muscle mass while doin intermetting? And was you natural or taking gear?