another quick update
it was a leg day yesterday. the strength gains keep coming. if I now look at the 3 week ago vs. now results for squat it is pretty amazing gain, especially considering that I was stuck at 235 for a while before.
before (PR) : now
Squat 235x12 : 275x8
other things to note - I am hungry many times during the day which helps me with eating more. I took some measurements yesterday and noticed that my bf is down 1%. there were some small gains on all measurements like bicep, chest etc. With biggest gain being my chest adding half an inch.
my weight is actually down from 200 to 199. I attribute this to a cleaner diet - like carbs cut off at 7pm , etc. as much as to need2slin.
I was not super excited about hcgenerate at first but now I love it. It does work - for sure

so if we put the weight b/f in perspective
I was 200 at 18%bf before - which is 36lb of fat
now I am 199 at 17% bf - which is 33.8lb of fat
so I lost 2.2 lb of fat. but only dropped 1 lb of overall weight. This gives us just over 1 lb of lean mass.
Not a huge lean mass gain but it is all mine

I love the strength gains and I know that strength will lead to mass.