Need2slin, HCgenearte, Gear -my log and review

ok .. 2 weeks in ... most gains I got are below
before (PR) : now
Squat 235x12 : 255x8
BB press - 135x6 : 155x6

there are gains in reps and/or weigh in all exersises but these are most noticable.
I'll post more later this week after my tuesday workout.
ok .. 2 weeks in ... most gains I got are below
before (PR) : now
Squat 235x12 : 255x8
BB press - 135x6 : 155x6

there are gains in reps and/or weigh in all exersises but these are most noticable.
I'll post more later this week after my tuesday workout.


hows the libido and pumps?
ok .. 2 weeks in ... most gains I got are below
before (PR) : now
Squat 235x12 : 255x8
BB press - 135x6 : 155x6

there are gains in reps and/or weigh in all exersises but these are most noticable.
I'll post more later this week after my tuesday workout.

those are some sweet fucking gains for 2 weeks of some non suppressive legit supps bro-especially if your not new to working out

hows the libido and pumps?

my libido is high to begin with ... as in VERY high ... :) .... so after HCGenerate kicked in I would say I feel it is now about 20-30% more if one can put a number to it.
Mostly feels in the morning. so yeah ... def increase
my libido is high to begin with ... as in VERY high ... :) .... so after HCGenerate kicked in I would say I feel it is now about 20-30% more if one can put a number to it.
Mostly feels in the morning. so yeah ... def increase

thats cool, whats your age?
those are some sweet fucking gains for 2 weeks of some non suppressive legit supps bro-especially if your not new to working out

that's true.

I did not mention some exercises like dips ...
I only started doing them lately and the first two times I did 16 reps. last time I did 23 reps. well, big increase for me but to be fair part of it may be the fact that my body is learning the exercise, so even though there is big increase I do not hype it all up.

but all in all ... I am pretty ecstatic about the gains.
for instance now my first set of BB is 70x12 where before it was 70x8 ... 30% increase in reps is not a small thing for me
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thats cool, whats your age?

I am 37.
38 next month

and I forgot to answer the pump question ....

the pumps are AMAZING.
I started to get comments from trainers in the gym at the end of my workouts about how good I look. I do feel and I do see that my body pumps up pretty darn good. I'd say 30-40% better than before. I do take the same pre-workout sup (Xpand) so it is apples to apples ...
so yeah .... pretty damn sweet.
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a quick report from my leg day ...
Leg press 360x9 (old PR). this time 405x12. I was stuck at 360lb leg press for quite a while before this.

and ... I also discovered back pumps .... after my cbl deadlifts. never happened to me before ... I blame need2slin and hcgenerate :)
a quick report from my leg day ...
Leg press 360x9 (old PR). this time 405x12. I was stuck at 360lb leg press for quite a while before this.

and ... I also discovered back pumps .... after my cbl deadlifts. never happened to me before ... I blame need2slin and hcgenerate :)

Awesome, glad to see HCGenerate and Need2Slin are working well for you.
another quick update
it was a leg day yesterday. the strength gains keep coming. if I now look at the 3 week ago vs. now results for squat it is pretty amazing gain, especially considering that I was stuck at 235 for a while before.
before (PR) : now
Squat 235x12 : 275x8

other things to note - I am hungry many times during the day which helps me with eating more. I took some measurements yesterday and noticed that my bf is down 1%. there were some small gains on all measurements like bicep, chest etc. With biggest gain being my chest adding half an inch.

my weight is actually down from 200 to 199. I attribute this to a cleaner diet - like carbs cut off at 7pm , etc. as much as to need2slin.
I was not super excited about hcgenerate at first but now I love it. It does work - for sure ;).

so if we put the weight b/f in perspective
I was 200 at 18%bf before - which is 36lb of fat
now I am 199 at 17% bf - which is 33.8lb of fat

so I lost 2.2 lb of fat. but only dropped 1 lb of overall weight. This gives us just over 1 lb of lean mass.
Not a huge lean mass gain but it is all mine :).
I love the strength gains and I know that strength will lead to mass.
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my bottle of HCGenerate is empty. which sux big time.
I felt great during the HCGenerate cycle.

I liked how I felt with elevated test levels so much that I will def be buying more. I will also be getting D-aspartic acid in bulk or in TCF-1.

still got as bit of need2slin left.
my bottle of HCGenerate is empty. which sux big time.
I felt great during the HCGenerate cycle.

I liked how I felt with elevated test levels so much that I will def be buying more. I will also be getting D-aspartic acid in bulk or in TCF-1.

still got as bit of need2slin left.

I probably missed it,

what was your HCGenerate dosing scheme and bw?

please and thank you
well ... my cycle of hcgenerate, need2slin, and gear is done.

I got the measurements taken before, at the end of the bottle of hcgenerate and at the end of the cycle. I'll post them later as I dont have them with me now. My weight did not change but I did add at least half an inch to most main ones like bicep, thigh, chest, shoulders, neck.
my waist went down slightly but nothing drastic. My calorie intake was at maintenance level for the most part.

my strength went up 20-30% or more in some exercises towards the end of the cycle. it dropped off some 10% or so after I finished HCGenerate.

What I loved
- energy, def had more during the day and at the gym
- libido - KRAZI really
- strength - expected gains here but was surprised how much I gained
- recovery

- endurance
- strength
- recovery
- pump - especially when used with NO product

I can not say what effects it had as n2slin and hcgenerate were stacked with it.
I can say now though that since I finished the otehr two I upped the amount of gear and my strength went up and I am not surprised as I in my research I know that super plasma protein has this effect and it is a part of gear. I do believe it positively affected my recovery too.

overall I am happy. I will buy these again
Great review bro. Honest and to the point and a paying customer too. As a customer how was your overall experience with as a company?

We are always looking for ways to improve so feel free to let us know.
ok .... here go the measurements

first number - before (April 9), second number when HCGenerate finished (May 11), third number need2slin finished (June 1)

Weight 200 198 199.7
Bicep 14.2 14.3 14.6
Chest relaxed 41 42 42.5
Waist 36.6 36.2 36.4
Shoulders 49.4 49.6 50
Thigh 24.3 24.4 24.6
Neck 16.2 16.4 16.6
BF 18.4 17.3 17.3

bf calculated using US Navy formula (neck/waist dependent only)
hey guys, I had to post this.

Everyone writes logs about the products but very few write about what happens when you finish the products ... so here are my experiences ..
after June 1 when all was done and I was off the Need2slin what I noticed was my strength did go down about 10% in the 2-3 weeks period. what was most noticeable was not the strength itself but rather the endurance I think. I felt tired ad the end of the hour in the gym which never happened when I was on HCGenerate/Need2Slin/Gear. My mood was not so amazing anymore. My test levels did drop to my normal level judging by how I feel, libido etc. No blood tests to confirm that though.
Now what did happen after a month and a half I did regain all my strength now and increased again. So the supps did help me get to where I am now for sure.

So - 2 month after finishing - my strength is at the same level now when I was at the end of my log and more. I will be buying more HCGenerate, N2slin for sure. I would probably buy some GEAR too for the convenience. I miss the feeling of well being and raised test levels :cool:

on a side note - I am on d-aspartic acid now as a test booster. I bough it in bulk powder from a good vendor. I am not feeling much at all really. It is probably not for me or the 30-40% higher test levels are not that much if that's what I got. NOWHERE near what I felt using HCgenerate.
Great review bro. Honest and to the point and a paying customer too. As a customer how was your overall experience with as a company?

We are always looking for ways to improve so feel free to let us know.

sorry NeedTo I did not answer your question - my overall experience was exactly what I expected really ... I read everywhere that you have high standards of customer service and I did expect that, and I did receive that. No complains for sure. You guys responded to all my questions and all.
I did have to wait for the products for a couple of weeks because it was sitting at the Canadian border at customs. So yeah ... one thing you can improve is to may be have your own guy at Canadian customs who would speed things up for us .. :laugh3:

And I wish I could afford buying more of your stuff more often NeedTo.
I want to try unleashed and bridge which I will soon
man, nice review. I got some hcgenerate and needslin on the way.

I've got some ancient strength and attack to stack with it. this log makes me look forward to my leg healing, and getting back in the gym with the added needslin and hcgen.
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