Needsize!! 5x5 problem


New member
Well I have been doing your 5x5 program for about 6 weeks now with GREAT results. This has got to be the best routine I have tried yet. I do have one problem though. My shoulder workout is going downhill. Here is what it looks like:

Seated Military BB Press 5x5
Bent over side laterals 3 sets of 10
Db Military press 3 sets of 10
WideGrip upright rows 3 sets of 10
Front laterals 3 sets of 10

Now my problem is that my press movements have stoped progressing. The laterals are working wonders for the size and look and I keep increasing the strength on them. Do you think I am doing to many pressing movements? Perhaps I should cut back to just one pressing movement instead of two.

Anyone please feel free to chime in.
ya i would cut down on one of the pressing or try a Different rep range like a 3*3. If you been doing that for 6 weeks your body has proably got used to it by now. 14 sets for shoulders I think is a little excessive.
I'd cut out a couple of those exercises and rotate them in and out. I burn out after 6 or 7 weeks, take a week off, then change up a couple things when I start up again.

I felt so burnt on my last 7 week 5x5 run, that I've decided to 5x3/1x8 for a month, then drop the weight back and do 5x5/2x8 for another month, and see how that goes.
definitely cut down to only one pressing movement, you have to figure that the delts are pretty small muscles, so doing that many sets of compound exercises for them, then the laterals is going to be way too much