Well Im new here but not new on this game, I have done few cycles and know kind of how this is play. I have done Test only, Test d-bol , Test/deca and Test Mast and Anavar (var). this time around I will go with Pinnacle`s test p/tren A and Mast p. The reason for it is cause all I heard in the last 3 days here is that they are so good, so I say lets try it out and see how good they really are. I will review then in here best I can. Not a daily guy to post every workout or so but I will keep it update till I feel like jajaja.
Week 1-12 Test P 100mg eod
Week 1-10 Tren A 150mg eod
Week 1-12 Mast p 100 eod
Simply and easy to follow I don`t like to get things too complicated plus I`m very busy guy so this is what I think it may work for me. Low carb-high protein diet and lets get this runing.
Pct- no worries Im on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) so no PCT for me
Ai Aromasin at 12.5mg eod ( this works fine for me )
caber .5 e3d
Any suggestions please let me know brothers.
i will order the gear this weekend and I will update how is costumer service and etc. I can tell for new guys here like me just post a few times on Pinnacle`s thread they will find you jajaja. GOt It ????
Week 1-12 Test P 100mg eod
Week 1-10 Tren A 150mg eod
Week 1-12 Mast p 100 eod
Simply and easy to follow I don`t like to get things too complicated plus I`m very busy guy so this is what I think it may work for me. Low carb-high protein diet and lets get this runing.
Pct- no worries Im on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) so no PCT for me
Ai Aromasin at 12.5mg eod ( this works fine for me )
caber .5 e3d
Any suggestions please let me know brothers.
i will order the gear this weekend and I will update how is costumer service and etc. I can tell for new guys here like me just post a few times on Pinnacle`s thread they will find you jajaja. GOt It ????