Negro`s - Pinnacle`s cycle


New member
Well Im new here but not new on this game, I have done few cycles and know kind of how this is play. I have done Test only, Test d-bol , Test/deca and Test Mast and Anavar (var). this time around I will go with Pinnacle`s test p/tren A and Mast p. The reason for it is cause all I heard in the last 3 days here is that they are so good, so I say lets try it out and see how good they really are. I will review then in here best I can. Not a daily guy to post every workout or so but I will keep it update till I feel like jajaja.
Week 1-12 Test P 100mg eod
Week 1-10 Tren A 150mg eod
Week 1-12 Mast p 100 eod

Simply and easy to follow I don`t like to get things too complicated plus I`m very busy guy so this is what I think it may work for me. Low carb-high protein diet and lets get this runing.

Pct- no worries Im on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) so no PCT for me

Ai Aromasin at 12.5mg eod ( this works fine for me )
caber .5 e3d

Any suggestions please let me know brothers.

i will order the gear this weekend and I will update how is costumer service and etc. I can tell for new guys here like me just post a few times on Pinnacle`s thread they will find you jajaja. GOt It ????
Awesome bro, gonna follow your log. Am about to tread in to the Tren waters myself soon. Just started ramping my Test up this week!
Well bro you won`t be getting but the best results of any cycle you have done and best costumer service. I will shut up now and let you do the talk later, enjoy bro!!!
So I place my order and this is was they were saying so far, jajaja Still need to try the gear tho. Place an order and almost inmediatly I received an email and the customer service so far is good. Now waiting for the goodies to get on my hands and I will post how shippment is, I know I can`t post days or other info like that so I will just let you guys know how it went.
My rating: scale from 1-10
Costumer service - 10
Im glad your happy on how you being taking care of from Pinn, once you try the gear you will be a costumer for life!!!!
Sorry for the lack of update this weekened, I got my gear YES is already here waooo fast as hell. I pinned today and I love how this Tren went thru, nice and no cough jajaja not yet... Hit the gym this afternoon and nothing mayor to report but Im very satisfied with service provide by this guys. I can`t wait to get this cycle in week 3 or 4 OMG!!! will be nice to run some Tren again.
why all the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with tren and masterson? breast cancer?

Hey funny guy even with Masteron doesnt mean you won`t get e2 levels raise up, for the Tren or prolactin issues I got the Caber, This 2 I do use them as mentioned but not neccesary since day one. I know my body so I know by experience is better to have all this in hand and not need it than need it and don`t have it. BTW Masteron is not an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) so yeah is good to get some even Letro is stand by for my cycles. You may read more than me and I don`t know shit...
Well workouts are good working on control those carbs low and protein high, this gear needs to kcik in lol I know I know is only being 3 days jajaja.
I love how the color of the tren is and how tastefull looks lol. Wonder how quick the Mast will benefit me sex drive. I have done Mast before and took like 3 weeks I will say when I noticed the diffrence. Will see how This Pinnacle`s cycle goes on... I am exited for real!!!