NEW at the AF STORE- AIFM (aromatase inhibitor for MEN)


Community Veteran

AI for Men uses a natural steroidal aromatase inhibitor, that is better suited for men than the most commonly used AI’s like arimidex and letrozole which were designed for women. It provides adrenal and immune supports as well as cortisol suppression through the addition of Dehydroepiandrosterone. This product is designed for men only.

Base: Propylene glycol, Pure Grain Alcohol, Orange oil, Oleic Acid, Glycerol Actives: ATD (1,4,6 androstatriene-3,17-dione), DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)
RRAdam said:
Same ingredient as rebound xt and T-Drive... Correct?

yes. Though bioavailability and half life issues are greatly compensated for by transdermal delivery.