New Brew Pics

Yeah its definitely a shade darker than the axio stuff I have sitting around which is probably underdosed like a mf.
Dude! jus pin that tren and don't worry bout it.... Color is fine, it'll get the job done, watch what I tell ya!!!
You're GTG.... I've seen lighter but I've seen dark like that, and it put a gainin' on a mother fuckers ass!!!!!
You know I had to go ahead and pin it....Tren side (glute) hurts a little but prop side was smooth as silk.

Yeah bro it does feel good not worrying about whether it is underdosed or sterile. Looking forward to the next 10 weeks!!
Melting points were dead on... wish I had a good thermometer like someone I know, but instead I used the average of 3 crappy ones.

I will say this ... a bottle top filter and vacuum are my next purchases because my fingers hurt from the syringe filters. Any suggestions on which models I should go with??