New cycle halk pharmacy know the lab?


New member
Do u lnow the brand?
Just bought all the goodies
Im asking cus i cant find anything about them

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Balkan Pharm ? I got a 6 pack from them 2 -3 ? years ago as a promo but it s fancy tri blend 4, 5 600 mg per ml type stuff so I got it stashed for the END of times next to 20k rounds...

Know anyone who has,... nope.

But most E Euro countries AAS are legal to buy have and use...most.

However the labels are very cool though.

No idea as I M NOT ON IT nor did I ever run it. Read my post...most post s wondering if gears under dosed are a result of the poster being UNDERFED..
acutally it gonna be my fourth cycle every cycle i gained 15-20kg [of course not muscle]
now im at
12% BF
i know how to have a good diet [lets say decent+ cus im not expert]
but im afraid of getting bad gear cus it will ruin my cycle.. [and i waited 3 month for bad experience..]

how can it be that this pharmacy dont have even a site or somthing?! and not even reviews...

just found pharmacy with a site that named HULK pharmacy.. not HALK can it be the fake one?!
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Halk? heard of hulk pharma, my friend used em last year, got great gains and good bloodwork but this wasn't what he used.
Lol, I just ran hulk in Babylon to see if maybe it was an EU version of the old Hulk Labs that I last heard was busted. Nothing matches "Halk". Looks like a copycat lab that misspelled hulk to me.

No way to know unless you want to labmax it or pin and get a blood test.

My .02c :)
Lol, I just ran hulk in Babylon to see if maybe it was an EU version of the old Hulk Labs that I last heard was busted. Nothing matches "Halk". Looks like a copycat lab that misspelled hulk to me.

No way to know unless you want to labmax it or pin and get a blood test.

My .02c :)

Misspelled "Deka" Lol

It's the middle vial.
Lol, I just ran hulk in Babylon to see if maybe it was an EU version of the old Hulk Labs that I last heard was busted. Nothing matches "Halk". Looks like a copycat lab that misspelled hulk to me.

No way to know unless you want to labmax it or pin and get a blood test.

My .02c :)

I used Hulk labs too like 2 years ago. I liked their stuff. Halk though? Were they serious with the spelling? Lol
Misspelled "Deka" Lol

It's the middle vial.

I think deka is actually Lithuanian for deca. But I don't know if "halk" is even a word there lol. I do know that hulk has been copied a zillion times, and was a popular lab on a crappy site that I'd wager most of us have visited at least once.

The real deal was green though, which I thought was neat. But not as cool as a certain lab named after a popular comic book bad guy syndicate. They had a crazy fluorescent color to their oils.
If its Hulk and has a green tint to it, I've heard nothing but bad things on these guys especially site infections