new cycle, lean cut stack help


New member
im 6' 208lbs. This will be my 4th cycle and im trying this trend stack out (for a lean/cut) and just wanted to know if it looks good. Im currently on my 2nd week of it and already have insomnia and shortness of breath. is there anything i can take to combat that breath issue? Im thinking of throwing in some clen 2days on/2 days off to see if that helps as its helps for bronchio dilation. Also the 1/2 cc a week for the sus is because i was opting for the low test high trend.

op gear is tren 200, mast 200, sust 250

Week( 1-10)
Sus250 1/2 cc
Tren 1cc
Mast 1cc

Week (10-16)
Tren 1cc
Mast 1cc
Test p 1cc

Week (10-16)
Winny 3tabs a day

Week (3-16)
Arimidex .25 every other day

Weeks (18-22)
Nolvadex 40, 40, 20, 20
Clomid 100,100,50,50

any help would be appreciated..thanks
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now that thats fixed..any advice on adding the clen for the stamina literally winded when i think about exercising...fuck...i was doing treadclimber 30 min a day and now i can barley hit 5 minutes without gasping for breath.
What ester is your tren and mast? U got prop down for the tail end of your cycle. Test prop needs pinned every other day not mondays and thursdays. If u got tren ace and mast prop, well that shit gets pinned every other day too. Atleast...
What ester is your tren and mast? U got prop down for the tail end of your cycle. Test prop needs pinned every other day not mondays and thursdays. If u got tren ace and mast prop, well that shit gets pinned every other day too. Atleast...

No...tren and mast are ethanate...only running prop at tail end eod for less water gain to maximize cutting
Don't switch your test.
Their is zero difference in water retention between any type of test. Water retention issues are due to the diet you follow not the type of test.
Plus if you switch to prop at the end and finish on week 16 the prop will clear in 3 days while your tren and mast will remain for about 2 weeks.. Not a good idea. Stick with the sustanon and start PCT 3 weeks from the last shot of sust. Or if you are set on prop finish the tren and mast 2 weeks before the prop