New Guy - Flame Away!!!


I am a hardgainer... classic ectomorph as the dietition told me.
I weighed only 132lb (178cm) at the start... I now weigh 180lb.

I look nothing like most of you on here... I am just trying to put on some size. It's still a huge win for me. I do include a lot of carbs in my diet...

Quite obviously I have not done any gear... nor do I intend to anytime soon... quite obviously I still have a long way to go naturally....

So go ahead everyone... FLAME AWAY
About 18 months (from age 28 to 30).
I used to get down because I'll never be huge... and it's all I wanted!
After spending time on this site I've realised I can still look good without the size some of you guys have. Now I'm taking my diet, training and lifestyle more seriously... it will be interesting to see where I can go.
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If you put together the right program and diet, you can most certainly acheive your goal. I see nothing in that pic or your post that should keep you from reaching your goal. Dedication is all you need bro.
Heres a before and after.... hopefully you can tell which one is which.
And yeah it's natural. I think I've got a long way to go before getting on the gear!
im in the same boat. when i started lifting when i was a teenager, i was 6 ft tall at 134lbs. By the time i was 24 I was 190 or so. Currently at 210, at age 37. I have more bf% than you, but 2 serious knee injuries, surgery and massive depression due to that will add a lot of fat. working on getting rid of it now. point here is, you could prolly get to 220 or so all natty, even with poorish genetics. it really is all about diet, and how you train.
Wow 86lbs!!!! That is awesome! Appears I'm not the only one who has this struggle. If I could get to 210lb - 220lb I would be absolutely stoked! I thought 200 would be out of my reach. I've found I have to be extremely disiplined just to maintain this weight. If I slack off with my diet for just a week or two... have a few beers, the weight just strips off me. My calorie count is around 3500 per day. I am concerned that if I start to cut down the carbs and increase the protien in my diet I will start to drop weight. Have you found this a problem? As much as I'd like to lean up I don't want to lose mass. I'm the guy who used to wear 2 t-shirts because he was self conscious about being so small.
Wow 86lbs!!!! That is awesome! Appears I'm not the only one who has this struggle. If I could get to 210lb - 220lb I would be absolutely stoked! I thought 200 would be out of my reach. I've found I have to be extremely disiplined just to maintain this weight. If I slack off with my diet for just a week or two... have a few beers, the weight just strips off me. My calorie count is around 3500 per day. I am concerned that if I start to cut down the carbs and increase the protien in my diet I will start to drop weight. Have you found this a problem? As much as I'd like to lean up I don't want to lose mass. I'm the guy who used to wear 2 t-shirts because he was self conscious about being so small.

my metabolism used to be insane. its slowing down as i age. so its less of an issue than it used to be.

one thing i found that works, was don't over train. every 6 months, maybe less, take 2 weeks completely off the gym. my biggest problem was over training. i currently am lifting 3 nights a week, and climbing 2 nights a week...and i'm getting close to the over training mark.

for my lifting, i was doing a basic compound lift routine( bench, squat, chins, dead lift, dips ) to get back into swing of things, and am now on a rotating 3 week 3 day split. it seems to be working pretty well.

its a cut an paste right from the training forum here.

hope this helps.
you dont appear ecto morphic to me, and dont limit yourself w/ this hardgainer shit!!! attitude means alot and if you label yourself a hardgainer you will be. also a hard gainer ectomorph doesn't put on that much weight that quickly......keep at it consistency and patience!
thats closed to the program im currently doing and i find it very good for bulking but i find less reps more weight and more sets is better but thats just my personal preference.
good luck guys keep up the good work:
you can still get jacked when your ready. you have done agreat job so far. if you didnt tell me you lifted and i saw that pic, i would know you worked out. it shows fo sho