new guy...let me know if I'm ready for AAS

Nice progress. Have you noticed a plateau? I think you can still lift a couple more years naturally and still make some gains to be honest. You're still young and have alot of natural testosterone.

If you do plateau mix up the routine a bit. For example Doggcrap training or something like that.
Great symmetry Dude. I wish I had your genetics. You seem dedicated to the lifestyle. I, like many here would like to see you go to 25 before you use AAS, but that will ultimatley be your choice.
Well, I see lots of room for improvement that can be done without gear IMO.

That and I'd say youre a little on the young side, but at least your not 18.

Though harder to attain, the muscle you gain naturally will be eaiser to maintain than size from gear, unless you REALLY know what youre doing.

I say go another year or two and size up another 10lbs of muscle (not fat and water) on your own, then proceed as you see fit. This can easily be done by hitting the large muscle groups, which IMO you are clearly deficient; back and legs.

If you choose AAS now, no harm no foul I guess.... Good luck either way.
The weight you gained since august is nothing to sneeze at. That and the fact that you said you only recently started hitting legs hard and got some good results from them shows that your bodys own growth mechanism is working just fine.

...youre impatient...

And, alls you do for your back is pullups? What about barbell rows? Seated close grip cable rows, tbar rows, dumbell rows, wide/narrow pulldows to the front, deadlift. *Edit* sorry, missed the barbell rows you listed. Anyhow, what I say next still applies*

You say you hit your back and you hardly feel anything. You aint hitting your back properly then. Probably pulling with your arms too much instead of back muscles or cheating like crazy. Your back has muscles just like every other part of your body. Train them properly and they will get sore, grow, respond just like every other muscle group. It might take more work, but so be it. Gear isnt going to magically make you back grow if you currently dont know how to hit it right.

I know youre looking for AAS answers, but thats not my forte. Im sure other will chime in on that aspect of youre questions.
I've been changing up my back routine tryin to hit it harder. was doing cable rows but switched over to give barbell rows a shot. my legs are always completely torn to shit and just recover in time for the next leg day but none of my upper body ever gets anywhere close to as sore as legs.

patience......yup never had much of that

for my exercises though, 1 thing i try n make sure not to do is cheat. try n make all the reps and sets count and fully extend and control them. for the barbell rows wheres the best area to pull the bar up to, mid stomach, chest or what? thats 1 thing i've been playin with and can't figure out
I've been changing up my back routine tryin to hit it harder. was doing cable rows but switched over to give barbell rows a shot. my legs are always completely torn to shit and just recover in time for the next leg day but none of my upper body ever gets anywhere close to as sore as legs.

patience......yup never had much of that

for my exercises though, 1 thing i try n make sure not to do is cheat. try n make all the reps and sets count and fully extend and control them. for the barbell rows wheres the best area to pull the bar up to, mid stomach, chest or what? thats 1 thing i've been playin with and can't figure out

You should try some heavy rack pulls or barbell rows. Go heavy as you can with good form and you should see your back respond. Im kinda the opposite, my back grows like crazy.

Ive learned that you cant use your arms to pull the weight, using your back is the key here
Your way too young. You will put on another 35 punds naturaly in the next 3 years. Why mess with your health. Any Beta ecdystrone product will give you a good push and it won't effect your natural test.

From what I'm seeing you need to increase your sets and BCaa's. lift heavy for 3-5 sets per excursive. Then rep out dropping weight. Make yourself really hurt. Make sure your getting a protein shake in before you leave the gym. You have a 15 minute anabolic window post work out.
no steroids would kill you and make your dick small

I know right?

My buddy always asks me "if you do steroids doesnt it make your dick shrink"?

Who the hell told guys this in grade school?

In that case i would feel sorry for ronnies girlfriends! lol
you actually have a great base to start! id wait untill you cant gain naturally then hop on, what your doing is workin so keep it up!