New here, Androgel no more, doc prescribes just injectable (Cypionate).

Guitar Dreamer

New member
Have had low T for years and doc had me on Androgel. Really didn't notice much of a difference and it was quite messy with 4 pumps per shoulder. Had appt with endo today and discussed alternatives and I asked about injectables. Had a really brief conversation about it and how ideally the levels would work, etc. Walked out with a prescription for Cypionate 200mg/ml for 1mL (200mg) injected IM every other week.

I've been reading on here all day about possible combo drugs to possibly take and also injecting more frequently that ever 2 weeks. I will be picking up the Cypionate tomorrow. Would you recommend starting with the 200 every 2 weeks?

I'm also considering finding a specialist in my area, either Philadelphia or just going to Dr. Shippen.

Thanks in advance.
Injections ar e better, but your doc just put you on a terrible protocol. Looks like your doc doesn't know much about TRT. There is a sticky thread in this forum called Basic TRT Overview. I would encourage you to read that.
Thanks for the reminder. I read that about 2-3x and it's a great reference. Guess my question it OK to immediately alter the protocol the endo gave me? From my very limited knowledge as soon as he said inject every 2 weeks I knew that wasn't the most up to date info and would cause large peaks and valleys in my levels. He recommended IM injections but no mention at all of monitoring other blood work or the possibility or adding additional meds/injections.

Thanks again.
Thanks for the reminder. I read that about 2-3x and it's a great reference. Guess my question it OK to immediately alter the protocol the endo gave me? From my very limited knowledge as soon as he said inject every 2 weeks I knew that wasn't the most up to date info and would cause large peaks and valleys in my levels. He recommended IM injections but no mention at all of monitoring other blood work or the possibility or adding additional meds/injections.

Thanks again.

Yes, switch the frequency right away. At least once a week. Many of us prefer twice a week. Adjust the dose for the increased frequency of course.
Yes, switch the frequency right away. At least once a week. Many of us prefer twice a week. Adjust the dose for the increased frequency of course.

Probably wouldn't hurt to let him know that due to potential peaks and troughs you would like to alter the schedule. It's really up to you, but I've found that some doctors like to be included in stuff like that, as it builds trust and gets them to actually research things for you. This not only potentially benefits you, but other patients under their care. :)

Of course, some doctors don't like to be educated - so I'd get a feel for how they may react.
My next appt with my endo is in 5 months. Just looked at the labs he would like to have drawn before my appt....Testosterone-total, TSH, CBC and PSA. Seems like I am going to have a lot of work to do in order to understand this and get the correct treatment. Is this something I have to do solo or can someone recommend a TRT specialist in the Philadelphia area.

I want to get feeling good again and if it's OK just just use the Cypionate solo I will begin tomorrow.
My next appt with my endo is in 5 months. Just looked at the labs he would like to have drawn before my appt....Testosterone-total, TSH, CBC and PSA. Seems like I am going to have a lot of work to do in order to understand this and get the correct treatment. Is this something I have to do solo or can someone recommend a TRT specialist in the Philadelphia area.

I want to get feeling good again and if it's OK just just use the Cypionate solo I will begin tomorrow.

Yes, it's perfectly fine to start the cypionate solo tomorrow. It's honestly in your best interests to learn as much as you can as many docs are just woefully undereducated in this department. Many of us pull our own labs on top of the doctor ordered ones in order to see the FULL picture as to what is going on. This allows us to make suggestions to our physician, or in the case of a stubborn one - provides the ability to screen potential doctors for a potential match in the future.

Sorry, I don't know your area at all, so I can't recommend you a doctor in PA.
OK, just a few more questions before heading to bed.

1. Should I call my endo/primary and ask for more labs to be drawn? If so what labs would you recommend I have run?
2. With my recommended dosage of 200mg of test cypionate every other week, I would like to change that to at least weekly or possibly every 3.5 days. If this change is made do I still inject IM or can I go sub q? That would be 100mg 1x a week or 50mg every 3.5 days. I would think sub q would be easier to do. Going IM every 3.5 days sounds like a PITA, literally.
1. I believe the sticky has the more important labs to request. Just be sure to have estradiol (E2) on there, sensitive assay if possible.

2. Yes, 50mg in a little 0.25cc shot from an insulin syringe is totally feasible. Meh, once you're used to it, IM injections are nothing much more engaging than brushing your teeth. :)
Picked up the prescription this evening. A little disappointed so far from the research I've been doing. 2,000 mg/mL (200 mg/mL) so far so good, BD 1 ml TB syringe 25G x 5/8. That size needle is recommended for adolescents and adults weighing 130lbs or less. Being 43, 195lbs and 5'9" this needle is not adequate for me and the recommended IM injections.

Do I go and buy a different needle (1") or use what I have and just inject the .5ml SQ? Could also pin thigh/quad as the 5/8 would reach the muscle.

Definitely not going to do the prescribed 200mg every other week. I'd rather do smaller more frequent injections. Maybe 50 mg every 3.5 days.

Picked up the prescription this evening. A little disappointed so far from the research I've been doing. 2,000 mg/mL (200 mg/mL) so far so good, BD 1 ml TB syringe 25G x 5/8. That size needle is recommended for adolescents and adults weighing 130lbs or less. Being 43, 195lbs and 5'9" this needle is not adequate for me and the recommended IM injections.

Do I go and buy a different needle (1") or use what I have and just inject the .5ml SQ? Could also pin thigh/quad as the 5/8 would reach the muscle.

Definitely not going to do the prescribed 200mg every other week. I'd rather do smaller more frequent injections. Maybe 50 mg every 3.5 days.


If you are lean 5/8th" will probably reach IM especially in the delt. But I agree it would be better to get 1" needles. 25g is what many of us use including myself.

You can order a box of 100 3ml syringes and needles (get BD luer Lok) pretty cheap at Allegro Medical. I have used them a lot. They arrive quickly too.
Can't believe how excited I am to be on the path to be feeling good again. Just did my second pin and it took all of 30 seconds. First time was a good 15 minutes, drawing up, staring at my delt for a while, looking at the needle, etc. Tonight was a completely different story and actually looked forward to it all day.

Definitely going to pull a full bloodwork panel in 4-6 weeks and see what is going on. I will be sure to post the results here and will be asking for feedback.

Going .25ml every 3.5 days for a total of 100mg every week and ultimately getting 200mg every 2 weeks as initially prescribed by doc. Also received additional supplies today, 25ga 1" for injecting and 23ga for drawing up. Decided to keep the 1ml syringe so pulling up .25ml isn't too challenging to read.

Thanks again everyone, this site is awesome!
Welcome to the club! I'm very excited for you as things are about to become a whole lot better. :bigok:
Can't believe how excited I am to be on the path to be feeling good again. Just did my second pin and it took all of 30 seconds. First time was a good 15 minutes, drawing up, staring at my delt for a while, looking at the needle, etc. Tonight was a completely different story and actually looked forward to it all day.

Definitely going to pull a full bloodwork panel in 4-6 weeks and see what is going on. I will be sure to post the results here and will be asking for feedback.

Going .25ml every 3.5 days for a total of 100mg every week and ultimately getting 200mg every 2 weeks as initially prescribed by doc. Also received additional supplies today, 25ga 1" for injecting and 23ga for drawing up. Decided to keep the 1ml syringe so pulling up .25ml isn't too challenging to read.

Thanks again everyone, this site is awesome!

Drawing with 23g will not work well. I would recommend using 20g or 18g. I prefer 20g myself.
Basic TRT is .25ml twice a week. Forget about your nuts they will shrink in time. Yea go ahead and do the hcg thing to keepem inflated you will enjoy the elevated estrogen when you feel like donkey shit. Sure ad arimidex to try and balance that crap. Just do .25ml twice a week you will be ok. Oh I forgot to mention when your Sgt. Rises I would invest in a wig. Did the doc tell you your nuts will shrink and hair fallout and once you stick that needle you will be dependent on it the rest of your life. God forbid calamity strikes this sorely place we live in I would hate to experience a shortage. Stock up buddy lots of pins and jucice dude. Hate to run out of oil if you get my meaning. Look before you leap. You know what happens to a car when the engine runs out of oil. Good luck
Basic TRT is .25ml twice a week. Forget about your nuts they will shrink in time. Yea go ahead and do the hcg thing to keepem inflated you will enjoy the elevated estrogen when you feel like donkey shit. Sure ad arimidex to try and balance that crap. Just do .25ml twice a week you will be ok. Oh I forgot to mention when your Sgt. Rises I would invest in a wig. Did the doc tell you your nuts will shrink and hair fallout and once you stick that needle you will be dependent on it the rest of your life. God forbid calamity strikes this sorely place we live in I would hate to experience a shortage. Stock up buddy lots of pins and jucice dude. Hate to run out of oil if you get my meaning. Look before you leap. You know what happens to a car when the engine runs out of oil. Good luck

I have absolutely no idea WTF you're babbling on about. TRT doses have no set standard, and they're given in milligrams, not volume.

Inflating testes? Good lord, I can't tell if you're just ignorant, or a piss poor excuse for a troll.

I try not to reply to posts that are obviously set up as bait, but this was a shitty thread to spew your diarrhea upon. There's no contest when it comes to needing to "stock up lots of pins and juice", or face hypogonadism.

Dammit, now I just wasted 2 minutes of my life that I'll never get back again. :mad:
I get what the above poster is saying and I did think about this for a long time before committing to TRT. Damn, I mean this is something that is a life long treatment, pinning 2x a week, frequent labs, shrinkage, hair loss....all serious things to consider. But, what's the alternative? Feeling like shit forever? Not having interest in sex, brain fog, etc? Been there, done that for about 10 years now. Time for a change and if taking ownership of my TRT and overall health is what it takes then I am in.

In all seriousness, there are worse things you/I could have to manage. Life is short and I figure it's time to make the most of it and do what I can to feel my best. I owe it to myself, my wife kids, etc.
I get what the above poster is saying and I did think about this for a long time before committing to TRT. Damn, I mean this is something that is a life long treatment, pinning 2x a week, frequent labs, shrinkage, hair loss....all serious things to consider. But, what's the alternative? Feeling like shit forever? Not having interest in sex, brain fog, etc? Been there, done that for about 10 years now. Time for a change and if taking ownership of my TRT and overall health is what it takes then I am in.

In all seriousness, there are worse things you/I could have to manage. Life is short and I figure it's time to make the most of it and do what I can to feel my best. I owe it to myself, my wife kids, etc.

He was trying to get a reaction, and got one. I've been on TRT for six years plus and have not lost any hair on my noggin, my testes are fine, I've lost well over 250lbs of body fat, gained over 80lbs of muscle, rediscovered the JOYS of life, and have ZERO regrets.

You'll soon find that this was the best decision you could have made. I absolutely promise you that. ;)