New here... first cycle


New member
Hey, everyone. Been lurking for awhile and just wanted to say that I think the board/community here is great. I appreciate any feedback.

Stats: 6'2, 215, 12%.

This will be my first cycle. I'll be starting on May 1st. The primary purpose will be to cut/harden and make moderate lean mass gains (enough to maintain my weight while still dropping body fat). I will run it for 10 weeks and frontload on the first injection.

500mg Test Cypionate EW 1-10
50mg Winstrol Depot ED 3-10

I will run Nolva at a low dose throughout, as well as after.

My diet and training are in perfect order, so no worries there.

Few questions: I understand Winstrol can cause joint pain. Will the Test help combat this? I will take a few other supplements to help out with it if the Test is insufficient. Also, I know Test can cause some water to be held, while Winstrol has the opposite effect. Will these effects essentially cancel each other out, or will one be stronger than the other? It's a rather insignificant question, but I'm curious regardless. They seem to stack well together in that respect, as well as covering both Class I+II bases.

Once again, I appreciate your valuable insight and look forward to contributing more here as well.
Welcome to Steroidology !!

I would just do the Cyp for a first cycle too. If you insist on doing the Winstrol (winny) also, start it later and run it two weeks past the Cyp.
StoneColdNTO said:
Welcome to Steroidology !!

I would just do the Cyp for a first cycle too. If you insist on doing the Winstrol (winny) also, start it later and run it two weeks past the Cyp.

I agree with SC, you should just stick with the Cyp! Since it is your first cycle your body will respond very well, considering you have a good diet, train hard and rest. Good Luck Bro!
Welcome bro and I'd follow SC's advice. If you decide to do the Winstrol (winny) you could get away with 50mg/EOD and run it 2 weeks after you finish the test so you can start Clomid right after you end the Winny.
RoadHouse said:
Class system is bunk.

Care to back this up? Everything I've read has concluded there is a synergistic effect between them.

Thank you for all the responses. I believe I'll start the Winstrol mid-cycle and end a few weeks after I stop the Test, as per your advice.