New member, Critique my back plz *pics*


New member
New member, Critique my back

hey, just want some thoughts and opinions, Im pretty sure I need to work shoulders more aswell as lower back.

I dont have any front pics but judging by these pics, can I get an estimated BF% Im guessing around %9....?

Backround info: 6'3 185 in the pics. 20 yo natty, right now anyways... I have been working out solidly for 18 months, before hitting the gym I was a skinny motherfucker with no muscle tone weighing 150lbs and being 6"3




I just want to thank cardomain for hosting tha shiet..... :bj:

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bro, next time, don't squeeze them shoulders too much..let your back out...spread it out..nice back more
Nice definition, but I'd work on getting some more width in your upper lats...pullups pullups pullups...
i ive been bulking for 1.5 year allready, I just started going to the gym 1.5 years ago and started at 150, so 40lbs of mostly muscle in a year is good sofar I think. I want to get to 220 with sub 10% bf
Theres no one thing you need to focus on. Just put on some more meat everywhere. Heavy deads, rows, squats, GMs. You'll be doing just fine in years to come.
"Back Bicep" is not the pose you want to use for a "please critique my back" thread.

Put your hands on your hips and spread your back.
I think you have awesome definition and descent size for natty myself. 35 pounds is an incredible accomplishment. And you are still lean, so that is pretty much all muscle gain. I assume you are still able to put mass on naturally? As long as you are, stay natty. Once you get to the place in a year or 2 where you can't get any further, that would be the time to consider gear in my estimation.

You also are tall, (me too), it's harder to get the muscular look when you got the long limbs... I bet you are already descently strong. Bet you are over 200lbs for reps benching?.... which with the long levers, still natty, to me is pretty good.

Keep up the good work.
thx for the input, i appreciate it. i am weak on bench, I work my chest out lots but with my longer arms i can only do 225x3 at best.
Keith303 said:
thx for the input, i appreciate it. i am weak on bench, I work my chest out lots but with my longer arms i can only do 225x3 at best.

That's more than I could do at your size. The more meat you put on the more it will help with leverage and your numbers will fly up.
You look good but I agree that there is nothing in particular to focus on. Just general size. You've made a great progress. Continue with it.
Pull Deads. You got good definition for only 18 month's of training you must have been active in sports or something. Im 6 3 as well and I was afraid to feel inferior in the gym squattin and deadlifting. Let me tell you those exercise's performed correctly you will fly up in weight in no-time. Everyone has to start somewhere. Start Deadlifting and you will see results like no other. They have helped put major size on my arms as well.
as for extra physical activities I used to deliver furniture for 1 year, and have have a hard ass labour job for the past year. No sports though. Ill start deadlifting and go hard at it. thx