new member here just getting started


New member
Hello everyone, I am new to the site and am hoping I will learn a lot from everyone.
I have never done a cycle but have been curious and have also had friends that do and try to talk me into it.
I'm 31 and work out pretty regular the last 3 years, my diet is not always spot on but it's good for the most part. I lost 56 lbs when I started my weight training regiment 3 years ago and have fluctuated weight between plus or minus 15 lbs of if since then. I am wanting to get bigger but not put on a lot of fat (like everyone) just maximize muscle I guess.

I'm 6'3 and am finding it difficult to put on size in my chest or arms, my back/shoulders/legs seem to be fine as far as gains are concerned. Well I hope I didn't bore anyone and will be checking the other areas of the forum to gain some knowledge.
Welcome to the site! Congrats on the weight loss. What is your body fat %?

Do you know what your average daily diet macros are? Getting your diet squared away makes a huge difference towards making those gains you desire.

Have you ever checked out your hormone levels with a blood test?
I don't know what my macros are no, I can tell you what I eat because I eat about the same stuff day to day. I'm staying in a hotel for the next couple of months so I figure it's perfect to be strict about my diet and go out of the realm of my normal workouts. Please don't be too harsh. I'm guessing 14-16% View attachment 560385
I will work on it, thank you for answering and helping out. I will most likely work the remaining 8 weeks on my diet and see what I can drop down too. I have areas to improve I know. Thanks
Here is a good thread to start with reading. It will direct you to a lot of other threads about AAS.

I would also encourage you to get in touch with 3J. He has helped a lot of guys here get their diets and training squared away. He is a lot cheaper and healthier than gear. Check out the diet forums here to see what he has been able to do for guys.

3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.
I will work on it, thank you for answering and helping out. I will most likely work the remaining 8 weeks on my diet and see what I can drop down too. I have areas to improve I know. Thanks

whats up brother.. you said youre living on a hotel??

why dont you post up your diet
My daily meals
1/2 cup Greek yogurt with granola
Meal 2
1 4oz turkey patty
1/2 cup broccoli
2/3 cup brown rice
Meal 3
same as 2
meal 4
same as 2
Meal 5
same as 2
meal 6
Greek yogurt
1 banana
I have a shake during cardio after my workout 1 scoop with 5mg creatine
I do fasted cardio in the am and sometimes train in the am but will have a meal if training in the morning.

I travel for work so I live in the hotel for the next 3 months
I work out 5 days a week
1 dedicated arm day
and do 20 minutes cardio am and pm post workout
Update, yesterday I was getting dressed and I thought I looked thinner, my shorts which usually fit a little loose were a lot more loose than usual so I was thinking I had made some good progress. I weighed this morning like I do every Monday and I'm up 4 lbs. Don't know if it's muscle or water? I had been steady dropping like 2-3 lbs a week and that is where I try to keep my losses at.

Either way I went to the gym at 4:30 and absolutely killed back and biceps. Here is my routine this morning
Giant set
Pull ups-16-20x3
wide grip pull down-6-8x3
seated row-8-10 triple dropset x3
super set
bent over row-8-10x3
hyper extension 10-12x3
super set
alt dB curl 6-8x3
Over head cable curl 12x3 triple drop sets
Super set
lying cable curl 12x3 triple drop sets
weighted crunches 3 to failure
I decided to join 3j's and am filling out the questions now. I hope I can achieve results like I have seen with everyone else that has used his programs.