new member pic


New member
just an arm shot, im at about 13% bodyfat so the shirt ain't comin off yet. but about 3 months ago i was at 18% bodyfat so ive made some good progress. 5'11" 210 pounds. 17.5" arms.
lookin nice and thick. Do you have any cycle history or are you natural? COngratz on your bf loss.
Congrats on the BF loss! By this pic, I can't imagine that you lost much muscle with that loss either. Look thick. Congrats again!!!! Jul
thanks everyone. ive got probably 5 cycles under my belt. just ending a cycle of test enan.... running it at 750mg/week so no i didn't lose a whole lot of muscle. i was about 230 with 18.25" arms when i was 18%. just started eating real clean the past 3 months. my goal for march 1st is to be under 8%, so wish me luck and ill post some pics with the shirt off. and some of the wheels as well..... hate pics of my legs when they aren't cut up.