New member


New member
Hey everybody, I'm a new member near *** and wanted to say hello. Just got into working out hard and supplements this last year. Results have been insane! ******NO sourcing allowed**** I'm 43, 6'1, and 245, btw!
Welcome to the forums! be sure to learn all you can from the sticky threads st the top of the forum before you start doing gear bro.
Welcome to the Forum !

Take the time to read and research, there's plenty of Good Info here.

Then if you have any questions, feel free to post them up............................... JP
Welcome to the boards!!!

We are detail junkies. What's your diet? Lifting style, routine and stuff?

Before any cycling labs are important. We have to know where our blood levels are. It's how we guage our recovery/PCT.

Complete blood count, lipids, liver function and total test, free test, estradiol as well as LH, FSH, and thyroid function

What your body fat like?