new pics chopping slowly but surely

You're looking solid brother either way.... what exactly is your goal here? When you say chopping slowly, I assume you're referring to chopping away at your goal by plugging away is this correct, in lieu of taking away from, trying to lean out more?

None the less you look solid brother!

Thanks brother, how does my arms and shoulders look?
Been trying to bring them up the last 7 to 8 months
Not disrespecting anybody here but some of u that posted think u guys are some sort of monsters it seems

Not really, ur asking us for feedback and we are giving it to u. Were not saying we don't have our own lagging parts of lack of size. If we wanted to hear the feedback, then we would post our own pictures.

I'm tired of bulking too. I been doing it forever, it just becomes such a problem over time having to force feed urself, but it is what it is and u have to do what it takes to win and look like ur goal.
I do agree with what u say Mike, but why not cut some bf in the process when i am cruising on 200mg test/week and build when u blast? it gives my body a break and cut some bf before I blast again just it makes.more logical sense and no disrespect brother
you needed to use better pics for the right feedback from what I see the only help u needed is a new mirror.
Well Matt from what I know of you trew the past few years you have been a member you've been on tren or on cycle most of thw time you have een here. It setts you us to have a hard time recovering and makes it less likly youmwill keep your gains off cycle.
I don't understand what your trying to say pirate, but as for recovering my own testosterone, i already know I cannot lol, so I cruise and blast or self administration, but I do get bloods and donate bloods as well
Bulking can be taken to extremes , again, its based on your goals. For a regular gym rat I think going to the level where you become fat then go on a cut full of dieuretics and what not to get leaned out in the summer is crazy. Of course if your a pro trying to win the big show then its what you have to do. But for a gym rat, and I speak for myself here, I like to look halfway decent year round. By bulking at a sane and pretty normal level end of summer thru winter and then cutting back at the right time to get some abs popping is all you need. If you need to skip a meal here or there cause the last one is still in your throat then do it.
Ya figure if you wanna keep what you got then you have to eat at TDEE . So a bulk could be eating 200 calories more than TDEE. If thats what your comfortable with. Why drive yourself crazy?
Not really, ur asking us for feedback and we are giving it to u. Were not saying we don't have our own lagging parts of lack of size. If we wanted to hear the feedback, then we would post our own pictures.

I'm tired of bulking too. I been doing it forever, it just becomes such a problem over time having to force feed urself, but it is what it is and u have to do what it takes to win and look like ur goal.

My point!! Thank you. Matt, you posting pics so don't be suprised if you get constructive criticism. That's the reason for posting pics like this. So all in all from what I can see, it looks like your arms could use some work when compared to your chest/ back. Yeah, no monster here but I'm also not the one posting up asking for advice/ criticism. I guess if its "oohs & aaahhs" your after you should post somewhere else...jus sayin man.
Thanks brother, how does my arms and shoulders look?
Been trying to bring them up the last 7 to 8 months

This is my very first time seeing, so far from what I notice I see a solid frame,good separations..Your deff a gym rat and the results are there!

Lets try something new here, with all the suggestions above:

Let's make this your office starting point, not 8 months ago.. work on what was suggested, and try new pics down the road..
Now someone did mention that you seem to be stagnate,I wouldnt know.. But, if that is the case, maybe try a whole diffent approach to your routine, macros and lifts!
Maybe a better pic I dunno lol
No pump, no nothing

Ok I am not trying to talk shit but I have seen your pics since the days you were arguing with 49er(what happened to that guy btw?)

you always look the same. I do not think you commit 100% to a diet....and are you on gear? Because you look natty to me. You got some nice arms but it gets killed by your torso. Chest too flat and too much in the gut and love handles tbh.

I think you need to commit to a diet better. and once again not trying to be a hater. don't worry I will post pics in a month or two as well after my gyno surgery and you can tear into me too lol
You look like you lift, that's for sure. Feels a bit like you're relying too much on other peoples opinions though, have an idea of what you want to look like, and train and diet according to that goal.
Arms look good for sure and traps and delts too. Chest needs some work it seems.
What I would do if I were you is to cut. Don't cut for x many weeks, keep cutting until you're rid of the love handles and your abs are showing clearly.
After the cut I'd do a lean bulk.
Tren with great diet should have you point on brother. Can't describe your pic, seems to be a little off with as much gear you have consumed. See Ive been on 500 test 400 deca for a year, my version of a cruise, and I'm fat as fuck from my pic:) but macros are there and then some this I know, but when diet REALY comes into play I'll be a bigger lean guy for it. Make sense?